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YouTube Red and what it means for the Internet

Analyze YouTube's announcement for a paid service as well as what it could mean for the future of the internet and streaming videos. Describe the already announced programs and mention some of the early criticisms it has received so far. How will it impact the free side of YouTube, will quality go up or stay the same? Could this change hurt YouTube as a whole.

  • There are already paid services such as Netflix and Hulu, so some people might be hesitant to buy Youtube Red because of the amount of subscriptions they need to pay for. I also don't know many original series Youtube Red has announced other than 'Scare Pewdiepie', which is created by the creators who made 'The Walking Dead.' – YsabelGo 9 years ago

The Let's Play Craze

What is entertaining about watching someone else play a video game? It doesn't really compare to any other form of media, but we're still addicted to watching. What aspects of these videos make them entertaining?

  • One could look at different reasons, and then perhaps analyse further. One example might be the interactivity of games and our attraction to power and the unknown. How have games changed to become more interactive over time, and how has this impacted our ability to focus on things that aren't, such as TV shows with commercials, youtube ads, or movies in the theatre? – kathleensumpton 9 years ago
  • It would also be worth exploring the diversity among Let's Play-ers. How do their techniques vary and how does this effect their popularity? What are some doing that other aren't? What are the results of this new genre of entertainment and is it on the rise? How did it come about? What platforms do they utilize? (i.e. streaming on Twitch, YouTube, etc.) Are they being paid/sponsored? What is that like? --much of this may go towards background info for those readers unaware of this branch of entertainment. – eadewaard 9 years ago
  • This topic was covered in a rather controversial manner with Jimmy Kimmel about a month ago, and how he didn't understand it. There was lots of backlash from the gamer community, but he eventually met up with some well-known Let's Players, and discussed it civilly with them. There are also different types of Let's Play, the Twitch Plays series is rather unique in it's approach of having multiple players choose the actions for one character in a game. It's an interesting topic to be sure, and there are many different avenues to go forward with, it might be good to focus on one singular aspect of the Let's Play phenomenon by itself, whether it be for a style of Let's Play, a game that has seen lots of Let's Play videos done on it, a really well-known Let's Player, or even the history of this relatively recent fad on the internet. The possibilities are endless. – SilentProtagonist 9 years ago

Commercials: The Stranger The Better?

It seems the most popular commercials are unique, unexpected, or strange. Old Spice caught the attention of viewers with their ‘I’m on a horse’ commercial, and the ‘squatty potty’ is now circling around the Internet. Although these commercials are great for marketing, is there a limit as how strange a commercial can be? When does a commercial go from ‘interesting’ to 'freaky'? This topic can also compare North American commercials with Japanese ones, as Japanese commercials always invoke a reaction.

  • I think it would also be good to take a look as to why in marketing "any reaction is a good reaction" and how that crosses into other areas of the media. – Qiao ChengHua 9 years ago

Adapting as a Vlogger: Literary Web Series'

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries spawned a wave of modern vlog adaptions – the creators made more, and others used the idea to adapt other stories: Nothing Much To Do, The Autobiography of Jane Eyre, Carmilla the Series. Why did this formatting style become 'the next big thing'?

  • What exactly do you mean by "the next big thing"? – T. Palomino 2 years ago

Do offensive comments on Web Videos equate to harassment?

In the legal sense, harassment is intentional behavior which is found threatening or disturbing. When it comes to web videos the majority of commenting is considered as fair game, but should the more repetitive and offensive comments be considered as legitimate harassment that should be regulated, or should these be taken with a grain of salt to keep free speech on the internet?

  • I don't see how this could fit into any of the topics? Is it about any artform? – Francesca Turauskis 9 years ago
  • Agreeing with Francesca - this sounds more like a paper for a class than anything else. – TheLegendofPie 9 years ago
  • I guess the main question I have is harassment of who? If you want to explore some recent web video creators who are talking a lot of flak, that might be interesting to go about this topic. If you can find controversial YouTubers who have millions of fans, that might be a way to go (like PewDiePie and Shane Dawson). But if you are talking about people using crass language, I mean... it is the internet. – firefly8517 9 years ago
  • I value free speech, but I think we need to exercise it with more care. If we put others down with our words, we are abusing our freedom. But does it count as harassment if the receiver of the comment has no knowledge of the perpetrator? – birdonawire 9 years ago
  • To bring this topic into the realm of art, you could investigate how the regulation of harassment could leak over to other forms of expressions. If YouTube or other online forums become liable for harassment suits due to video commentary, will the music industry be next (in particular rap songs:many of these types of these songs fit into the "tentional behavior which is found threatening or disturbing" definition. – Angelia 9 years ago
  • Unless there is a way to track harassment, it seems like all comments, mean or not, are innocent uses of speech. Freedom of speech is always better than locking down ideas and shunning others. An Internet of policing is the foreseeable Distopia, But I agree with Francesca Turauskis, this does not seem to tie into art concepts, but rather a legal topic, or psychology. Maybe it is vital to discuss this concept for the sake of working in digital media! – cwinegargarrett 9 years ago
  • Based on today's generation, we can recognize some people who are being harassed is relates mostly on computers. For example, by using the computers people can hack other peoples computers to shut their servers down or use the other person's identification as a fraud. In similar cases some of the women and men are becoming attached to dating sites which people log in to find their match without noticing the true self of other people online. Also, most people take Selfies and post videos on sites like Youtube and Facebook to share about their personal lives.Other effects of web video harassment are the languages and the cinematic are presented on TV's , music videos, and films can lead towards bad behavior by watching inappropriate scenes for their age portrayed in the entertainment and media is could be a harassment don't you Agree? Parents must take immediate action to control the activities online for their own safety and their children safety especially on sites like Facebook and Youtube sites to become famous by trying increase the number of time their videos are being viewed and comments written under their uploaded videos, nude pictures, and blogs they have created for themselves in order to communicate with their friends in other locations without noticing the person.Therefor, it is inappropriate and unacceptable to behave like that towards their parents and the community where they live in. – Afrajashnivand 9 years ago

The Rise of the YouTuber

Blogging is becoming very common, but video blogging even more so. These days, everyone has their own opinion and feel like it needs to be shared. Is YouTube the right way to express views and opinions? Will YouTube and video blogging one day become the main means of blogging? What effects could this have on written English and the need to read?

  • How about having a short section to describe and highlight few aspects of YouTube/video blogging. Why it is "special" or "different" from other means of blogging like Tumblr. What make it more appealing for viewers/readers? Many it could be tied to a broader issue of digital culture too. – Camella D. Kim 9 years ago

Coming out: big deal or nbd ?

From what I believe, this year, 2015, has the most youtube stars coming out of the closet and inspiring other LGBT youth to boost their confidence of coming out as well. While coming out is a big deal to the LGBT persons themselves, how does the audience or their peers view it as? What are your thoughts?

  • Youtubers coming out of the closet shows gradual and welcomed change in our society. We sadly do live in a world where people are still discriminated agents for being LBGTQ+. So when our favorite Youtube stars do come out as LBGTQ+, it is inspirational, and it gives a positive message for the LBGTQ+ community moving forward. – Aaron Hatch 9 years ago
  • With more and more celebrities coming out, they have voiced to others that it is okay to show exactly who you are. Role models expressing their support has given a lot of young people the courage to face the truth about themselves. – sabrinar 9 years ago
  • As a member of the LGBTQ community I often find myself asking this question. It's great to have the support of role models who are coming out and straight allies, but I sometimes worry that getting too hyped up about whose gay or an ally continues to marginalize the group as "the other," thereby making "coming out" a sign of difference in that it is not natural. I think an interesting question to explore along with this is: Is this potentially harmful to the end goal? – snufflemuggin 9 years ago
  • Sadly, like the majority of things that are valid and serious, such as rape, find its way into the media where it is then turned into pure entertainment and people forget the significance and reality of things. This is a great topic, but should be focused on in a serious matter where entertainment doesn't outshine true matters such as discrimination against sexual orientation or preference. – arielsilkett 9 years ago

Web Video Making: Props for Newbies

In videos for the web, a lot of props and customized items are required. But without a strong financial support, how are the newcomers supposed to acquire them? Don't they deserve to be equally popular? Find out ways for acquiring necessary props in affordable ways.

  • It would be good to give examples of Youtubers who have become successful after becoming creative with their props. – Ryan Errington 9 years ago