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In what ways did the original Star Trek predict the future?

There are many ways in which the original Star Trek predicted aspects about the future such as the communicators which mimic cell phones. I would like to find out from Trekkie purists how Gene Roddenberry got it right.

  • Something to consider is that Star Trek has done this as a whole, not just with the Original series. There were many devices in both Voyager and TNG that predict future technology, such as tablets, comm systems, AI computers, and holograms. Perhaps you could compare and contrast each series and their different technology predictions. – Megan Finsel 9 years ago
  • I would like to see an article on the original series since it was 50 years ago or around there as a sort of anniversary of the series when it started Sept. 8, 1966. A kind of homage to the ideas as well as technology that Roddenberry envisioned. One item that comes to mind is the international cast. It is so unusual to have that kink of diversity in terms of a TV series in that time. Referring to specific episodes would also be great when they encountered alien technology that was "ahead." – Munjeera 9 years ago
  • Did Star Trek predict the future or create the future? Are there any modern technologies (i.e., the flip cell phone) that just might have been influenced by Star Trek? – sophiacatherine 9 years ago
  • Finding out what Star Trek influenced in terms of tech would be interesting. I heard that NASA did get some ideas about space technology from Star Trek. – Munjeera 9 years ago
  • Many of those futuristic inventions would not have been possible without people like Tesla. "We are whirling through endless space, with and inconceivable speed, all around everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere there is energy. There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities expand our minds, strengthens our hopes and and fills our hearts with supreme delight." Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) – L:Freire 6 years ago

Can current Doctor Who work as a film?

It's been debated time and time again about the viability of making a film based on the Doctor Who franchise. As we have a confirmed "K-9" film, we are entering a place where we are as close to a modern Doctor Who film than we will get. What do you think are some possible set backs of making a film version of Doctor Who? Should it be canon to the story? Should it follow an independent story-line?

  • I have no idea why it couldn't be a film. Everything else seems to be turned into a film these days. I mean, essentially a film is just a really long episode. – Tatijana 9 years ago
  • My only concern about this is that you ask if it should be "canon to the story." What even is the story of Doctor Who? It changes constantly with each new doctor, new companion, new villain, etc. Unless you mean making a movie from where the last episodes have left off, I'm not sure where they could even start or what would constitute and "independent story line." Can the 50th anniversary special ("The Day of the Doctor") be considered a movie? Like Tatijana said, would it just be a long episode? Or are there other criteria that it would need to be considered a movie? If it is simply length, there are a few episodes that already qualify. – Deanna 9 years ago
  • I would argue that it could not, and still be a quality film, because the cult following is so large, that any minute variance from the television series would likely be noticed, and treated accordingly. I would also refer to the fact that in the last decade, a number of television shows from the 1970s were made into full-length films, and most of them did not turn out well. As such past track record seems to be against Dr. Who, even though the era that I mentioned is a bit later than the start of Dr. Who. – JDJankowski 9 years ago

iZombie and the New Undead

As genres are created they go through phases. As zombie literature and film are escaping their original states and are beginning to enter an exploration phase what does this mean for the symbolism behind the zombies? Are the symbolic undertones changing with the climate of the un-dead or do the messages remain the same as they always were?

  • I think these kinds of zombie shows/movies/books are able to tackle different sides of the "what does it mean to be human" question all zombie literature revolves around. Specifically, iZombie and Warm Bodies feature cognizant zombies, and so are more concerned with living a fulfilling and meaningful life than your average zombie flick (not that this idea isn't explored in other zombie movies), essentially trying to discover what Matthew Arnold calls the buried life. – nsnow 9 years ago

The contribution to the storyline of crossovers in superhero television shows

Analyze the contribution to the storyline of the crossover episodes of superhero television shows. In particular, Arrow, The Flash, and Constantine have had crossover episodes. Do these contribute to the story in a meaningful way? Are they forced, making the episodes feel like a commercial for another show? Another example related to this might be when Superman makes "appearances" on Supergirl.

  • Definitely look into the comic book history of these superheroes, and perhaps consider any links these heroes may have in previous television shows, cartoons, what have you. – John 9 years ago
  • A very interesting perspective I had not thought of before, cannot wait to see where someone takes this! – emilyinmannyc 9 years ago
  • I really like crossovers - it gives the impression that the shows take place within a larger universe! – Winterling 9 years ago

Are superhero movies overdone?

It seems we can't go a week without another superhero movie being announced or the latest comic book adaption coming to life. I understand it's profitable and popular, but is anyone else excited for film projects outside of the Marvel/DC universe? What movies are you excited for? Or, if you absolutely adore superheroes, what are you looking forward to (beside the Deadpool movie)?

  • I like going to a movie about once every month, if not more. And so even though I'll admit I'm losing excitement for the next super-hero movie each time one is on the horizon, I have no intention to stop attending each that comes unless there's a particular one I really don't care for. I can say for certain that I am anticipating "Guardians of the Galaxy 2," because up until now that was the coolest movie I've seen besides "Star Trek: Into Darkness." I'm looking forward to "Batman V. Superman." I'm hoping "Captain America: Civil War" will be a stronger and more engaging film than "Age of Ultron." And I'm extremely curious about the "Doctor Strange" movie. Beyond those, though, I'll be more interested in seeing all the new Star Wars content, most especially "Rogue One," after "The Force Awakens" of course. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
  • I don't think so much 'overdone' as lacking in variety, so as to say the domination of Marvel has rendered many of its sequels upon sequels carbon copies of one another. Which is why 'Guardians of the Galaxy' was such a great fresh breath of air. – CalvinLaw 9 years ago
  • I think the reason there are so many superhero movies right now is that, in this day and age and instability, we like to see people with superpowers able to handle that danger, even if we can't do it ourselves. We all see ourselves as heroes. I think that if writers/producers/directors/etc don't get their act together the genre CAN be overdone, but I also think there are infinite ways to portray heroes and their struggles. Personally, I'm not tired of them at all. (Civil War makes me both intensely worried and very excited. I really love Captain America.) – Winterling 9 years ago
  • There are quite a good sum of movies that I take great personal interest in. I love superhero movies and although they are without a doubt some of the most popular films to arrive in decades, but I don't think that they impose upon other projects. Personally, I am intrigued by the recent success of The Peanuts movie and desire to see how Schulz's timeless characters transferred to the big screen, also Spectre, The Good Dinosuar, Creed, and of course, Star Wars episode 7. I think that movies are such an incredible medium and there really is a lot to be excited for in terms of upcoming projects both superhero related and non superhero related. So to answer your main question, perhaps superhero movies are overdone a little bit but that doesn't prevent them from being good or ruining other movies in my honest opinion. – BlakeZamora 9 years ago
  • Superhero movies have always been present in cinema. If I had to say so, I'd say they'll always be present - or at least for a substantial amount of time. The only real reason people are stopping to ask if superhero movies are overdone is because of the recent incredible success that superhero movies are experiencing at the box office. Iron Man, The Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy are all examples of successful films at the box office. It's very possible that people are trying to capitalize on that, because it's relatively easy. You have these characters (whose personalities and designs are already created) and plots that have been fully played out in comics. It makes sense to go after superhero movies if you have the resources but lack the creativity or the drive to create your own characters and plot, and that could be where a lot of these movies are coming from. Are a lot of these coming out of major studios? Yes. Are they from major directors and production studios? Probably, but it seems like easy money because it's the in thing to make, and the consumers think it's in. – John 9 years ago
  • Many of the overall tones, plot arcs and points are reused; but this over usage can be found in any genre, not just when it comes to super hero movies. I think there's a large outcry for variety, things that 'Guardians of The Galaxy" bring and 'Deadpool' promises to have. – KatieLouise 9 years ago
  • A unique approach to this topic would also be to examine the difference between superheros and "real" heroes. Recently, movies such as American Sniper, Bridge of Spies, and the upcoming The Finest Hours all celebrate real mean committing acts of heroism for their country. While the heroes of the the Marvel movies are usually credited with "saving the world," these stories still invariably take place in the U.S. or are an immediate threat to the American way of life (first Captain America movie). In what ways do the similarities and differences between these two types of film commentate on American patriotism, idealism, and our ideas around the whole construct of what a hero is. – arharrison 9 years ago
  • I think superhero movies are most certainly overdone however I enjoy the the fact that there are now consequences to every action that takes place in these different universes. – UnDeRsCoRe 9 years ago
  • I do love the superhero films. I have never read any of the comics, but I try to catch most of the movies. Arharrison brings up an interesting point above. The comparison of real life heroes to superheroes. I wonder if the superhero films provide an example or a way of thinking about power, justice, etc that we can learn from and apply to the way we think and act as human beings and citizens. – joshuadistel 9 years ago

Superbowl Ads

Present the history of Superbowl Ads and examine the culture that surrounds Super Bowl ads today. What ads in the past have flopped and what ads have thrived? Does having a Super Bowl ad truly affect your business? Why do so many people watch the Super Bowl simply for the ads?

  • you can also compare people who watch the entire super bowl for the game and how they react to the ads, compared to the people who just watch the game for the ads. How they perceive them differently, do people who watch football regularly and are watching the Superbowl like the ads better than people who simply just tune in to watch them specifically. I'm not sure if you can find information about this on the interwebs, but it would be very neat to see how each side views these ads differently if they do at all. – scole 9 years ago
  • I'm not generally interested in sports or commercials for that matter. I can say that in my opinion superbowl adds are successful because they seem to push the boundaries just a little. They seem to be a little more creative and perhaps a little more controversial. This is what keeps them in your mind more than an average commercial. I will also admit that I have actually went out and bought products in support of the genius commercial for it. I'll also admit that I'm probably in the minority there. – Tatijana 9 years ago
  • Maybe Super Bowl ads are so popular because 1) it's guaranteed to have an audience, and 2) because it has higher standards than your average commercial runnings. – AnalystNerd 9 years ago

The Continued Rise of Superhero Shows

With Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Agents of SHIELD currently on the air and with more in development, analyze what is making the superhero genre attractive for TV. Discuss the difference in viewers between shows and networks and if that is a hindrance to some of the programs.

  • I think Daredevil is the perfect example of a superhero show because it doesn't/hasn't yet overcomplicated things by trying to merge with other series' plotlines. I am finding it difficult to muster enthusiasm to get into Arrow, The Flash etc. because it just seems such a hefty commitment. – CalvinLaw 9 years ago
  • i completely agree with the above comment, i watch them all, but you have to start from the beginning or else you'll probably be lost. the flash and arrow are huge commitments! also, Gotham you can't forget about Gotham. That show is marvelous, and really proves what a really good superhero show can do. – scoleman 9 years ago
  • I think that this is a good topic. To elaborate on what could be discussed, I think it would also be interesting to hear if the crossovers between shows would be ideal and encouraged. If so, should the networks do them more often? One of the shows on the rise is Legends of Tomorrow, which from my understanding is almost entirely taking characters from Flash and Arrow and combining them into a team. Good or bad idea? – Danny Phantom 9 years ago
  • One thing that I like about superhero shows is the antihero. For example, Oliver Queen. He's not your typical, do-good superhero we often see. He's willing to kill people if it comes to it, something not every superhero is okay with. I like the darker side of superheroes. Another new superhero show that's taken over is Jessica Jones. She's also not your traditional hero and she's a badass. The show is dark yet the plot isn't over complicated and easy to follow along. You're always rooting for her. Gotham is another good show, also. – diehlsam 9 years ago

Angel the Series: Feminist or Not?

Lots of fans argue about the female characters of Angel the series, the spin-off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The main reason for this is that many of these characters are put through a torturous storyline and killed off in order to further the character development of the male characters. Is there any merit to this?

  • I don't think killing off a character is enough to make it not feminist nor does a torturous storyline. What things in particular make their deaths/torture anti feminist or feminist? A lot of the male characters don't get off very lucky as far as storylines either. I would definitely include specific tortures/deaths that demeaned the value of women in some way. – Tatijana 9 years ago
  • I think Angel did many things that could be used to argue whether the show is feminist or not, but I'm not 100% sure that the killing off of female characters is the biggest one. Then again, I have not seen the show in ages, so I might have just forgotten. – Austin Bender 9 years ago