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Sports as Storytelling

An analysis of how sports create a promote story-lines to increase interest. This could discuss how sports journalism and online fan forums find points of interest and incorporate them into larger stories about teams, players, rivalries, etc. It could also discuss how Olympic coverage often use "Behind-the-Athlete" segments to catch-up on the story-lines of sports they might not be familiar with outside of the Olympics.


    The Walking Dead – LGBTQ in the zombie apocalypse.

    Did it really take a zombie apocalypse? The Walking Dead has several integral characters who happen to be same-sex attracted, yet their place in the narrative does not revolve around their sexuality. It is stated, inferred or shown, but is not a major plot point. Does this mean we are finally able to present LGBTQ characters without dwelling on their sexuality? How is this viewed by the fandom? Why does mainstream media still feel the need to sensationalize a character’s ‘coming out’?


      They're Fat? That's So Funny!

      Discuss exposing the correlation of the comic relief character in television often being overweight actors that Hollywood has created. Often case they are the only overweight actor on the show or film, and it may even be the only part offered. When screen casting the casting call may even call specifically for an overweight comedic relief. Discuss the implications of this and how it can harm the industry as a whole, as well as the effect on actual overweight individuals exposed to such decisions.

      EXP: Gilmore Girls, The Hangover, Austin and Allie ( feel free to use your own)

      • It is true that overweight characters are often place in secondary, comedic roles. This may sound cynical, but it seems to me that this casting choice has done little to harm Hollywood as a whole over the years as it is a reflection of our society's general preference for actors and actresses who are thinner, fitter, and healthier. – MKLee 7 years ago

      Star Trek Discovery: Ash Tyler

      In Star Trek's newest installation Star Trek: Discovery, we are introduced to a character named Ash Tyler, potrayed by Shazad Latif. Ash was a prisoner of war in a Klingon ship, was tortured and ultimately raped by one of his Klingon captors. You see Ash dealing with symptoms of PTSD that progress through the show. Ash's mental state causes flashbacks, which ultimately lead to violence and even death of those In his way. How does the sympathy of Ash's place as a male rape victim clash with the violent nature he takes on when having episodes? Is he less sympathetic or moreso because of these violence inducing flashbacks caused by the torture he recieved?

      • Considering the current state of sexual assault/harassment that has been plaguing our society for much too long, it is easy to see it as a strictly woman-based struggle...Men who are sexually abused, and the way they cope is almost a nil discussion...kudos for the insight and the well thought out topic. – MikeySheff 7 years ago

      Star Trek: Discovery - Decent or Dud?

      An analysis of the newest addition to the Star Trek franchise. Does the 2017 update to beloved 80/90s spin-offs like DS9 and Voyager really pack the same punch? Or is possible that older TV shows and their newer instalments are want to be affected by nostalgia and fans, as much as they are by new script and plot?

      • I think this is a relevant discussion to have, although it would be a little tricky as there is so much conjecture even between the original series. It will be interesting to look at how each series actually was received and how the new version relates to that also. As a show that has had a series of iterations and significant changes, I think in a way fans would be more accepting of the "newness" of the Discovery series, however, whether it is meeting the same needs in its contemporary target audience could be a different discussion. – SaraiMW 7 years ago
      • I think I this discussion would be further relevant when the series completes and the whole can be viewed. – alexpaulsen 7 years ago

      The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel, and why its good

      Write about "The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel", why its good, and why it should be watched. A relatively simple story, featuring a woman going against what was expected of her at that time, how she struggles against the norms and how she is trying to be independent at a time when women were expected to be accessories to their husbands.

      • I haven't seen the TV series to have a solid opinion on it, but I think the better way to approach this topic is avoiding writing "because it's good" "because it should be watched", this doesn't contribute to how it can be written and give any ideas for others to write on the article. My suggestion is to instead aim to look for what it did right and how it succeeded in what it touched on with its subjects, which as from what it describes, can offer a lot in its topic. – N.D. Storlid 7 years ago
      • An excellent short series. Beyond the pitfalls of becoming a stand-up comic is the lead character's family, Lenny Bruce, and the story development. I was hoping for more. – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago

      Crossing the line: 'Game of Thrones' treatment of incest

      Incest is a fundamental taboo in society. We recognise this for many reasons.

      Yet for some odd reason it has begun to rear its ugly head within television, and it does not seem to be demonised as much as one would expect. The perfect example of this is the relationship between the siblings, Jamie and Cirsei Lannister, in 'Game of Thrones.' This is ridiculed within the narrative and by other characters, yet it is shown in somewhat graphic detail in the first episode. They are both very attractive actors and the act, without context is an attractive bit of television soft-porn. How are we meant to interpret this? There are a myriad of other inferences by other characters, often used to symbolise the unhealthiness or negative representation of a character, yet this seems largely undermined by the treatment then of the characters within the narrative as redeemable heroes (somewhat). A recent episode of 'Rick and Morty', already known for its dark humour, but on the pulse cultural reflection, a "Morty" made a wish that "incest porn was more mainstream" – it was a line used to punctuate the scene with humour before one of the "Morty's" leapt to his death. However, this is still an open discussion of incest in a somewhat positive manner.

      Obviously, this is a highly contentious discussion and one that needs to be handled carefully. However, akin to the inclusion of "rape fantasies" in much of paranormal romance, it is a concerning trend that should be discussed.

      • Check out this link... – Munjeera 7 years ago
      • Why incest is taboo (and perhaps the best argument against it): – J.D. Jankowski 7 years ago

      The Rarity of Female Celibacy in Television and Film

      There has been an enduring presence of celibate male heroes in our media. Although these heroes are admittedly scarce, female protagonists that aren't romantically or sexually inclined, are even less common. Discuss the reasons for this absence. Give examples of TV shows and films that feature a female protagonist who has no love interest.

      • MKLee did you have suggestions for specific films or TV shows that you would like to see considered? – derBruderspielt 7 years ago
      • I was thinking of films like Brave, Frozen, Moana, Naucissa Valley of the Wind, Lara Croft, etc. As for Tv shows, maybe Game of Thrones, with a focus on Arya and arguably Sansa and Margery. Perhaps some anime like Fairy Tail and Mahou Shoujo Madoka. – MKLee 7 years ago