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What Happens to Punisher, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Etc?

With the recent announcements that The Punisher has been cancelled and Jessica Jones will air its 3rd and final season soon, what will happen to the characters featured in all of Netflix's Marvel shows? There is an agreement that Marvel cannot use the characters until 2 years after the cancellation of the shows. When those two years are up, will we see these characters reappeared for Marvel's films or the Disney Streaming Service, or will these characters be completely rebooted?

  • My name is leonard, I’m from New Jersey, I want to share my testimony on how I became a real vampire. Yes, I always wanted to become a vampire because it has always been my desire to be one. And I search links and websites, I even took the risk and search on the dark web, that moment in my life was like a dream come true, There I finally get learn more about it as well, and it was all amazing to me that were i saw a comment and say contact mrs maria and I get instant responses, I followed the terms. I gave a try and it really works out for me, today I’m living testimony, Contact via email: [] in a space 3 days, I got a vampire blood which was sends to me via courier, give it a try and share your own testimony the way i just did thanks and good luck. – benleonard099 6 years ago
  • As reported, the rebooting of X-Men is not on the MCU's agenda for a long while. I would think that if the rebooting is an option they are considering we would have to wait longer than 2 years. On a side note, I am happy that they are at least releasing Jessica Jones season 3. It is a personal favorite for -better- female representation and I'd hate to see it end just like that. – hazalse 5 years ago

The Glamorization of Controversial Issues in TV and Film

It’s important to address sensitive and controversial topics in television and film. Oftentimes, however, these shows and movies can come off as glamorizing and using these issues for pure entertainment purposes.

For instance, Thirteen Reasons Why faced backlash for its portrayal of depression and suicide. Another example would be the depiction of Joe Goldberg, a killer and stalker, in Netflix’s YOU and how it caused some viewers to lust for him. Likwise, the brief movie trailer for Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile where Zac Efron plays Ted Bundy had many people upset about how the trailer seemed to romanticize the killer.

Do these shows and movies use controversial topics and issues as a mechanism for entertainment? And if yes, to what extent? Perhaps, it invites discussion and attention to these issues that people would not have become a part of had they not seen these shows and movies in the first place.

Analyze how shows and films approach controversial and sensitive topics, how viewers respond to it, and what this ultimately reveals about our society.

  • As I read this, I was thinking of "Lovelace" starring Amanda Seyfried, who played Linda Lovelace from the move Deep Throat. Essentially, "Lovelace" was two movies in one, showing different ways of looking at the main character. It might be possible to think of the movies you address being presented in the same way--perhaps an image that some might have versus something closer to the horror these individuals were. – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago
  • I think about this topic often because stories of dealing with trauma, mental illness, etc. are some of the most engaging narratives, but the handling of these controversial issues are almost directly in conflict with the purpose of film and television - to entertain. Very few, if any, shows and films balance these purposes in a way that satisfies most viewers, but I do believe these issues need to be presented in these mediums since they are affecting a large portion of the societies they are released to. I would love to see this topic addressed in more detail to see if there is a potential structure or set of guidelines that should be followed to help present controversial topics in a healthier way. Lastly, Sharp Objects is another excellent example that graphically portrays issues such as trauma, self-harm, and depression with visceral detail that has been simultaneously praised as a raw exploration of difficult subjects and critiqued as entertainment designed to draw attention based on the grotesque, shock-value alone. It's a difficult line to tow, but it's an important one. Great topic! – Aaron 5 years ago
  • I feel that Hollywood has capitalized on the exploitation of sensational events. I cannot believe the disgusting movie made about the two ten year old psychopaths that intentionally kidnapped and murdered a toddler. This film is being nominated for an award when in reality it is a gross display of manipulation trying to get the audience to feel sorry for two sociopathic narcissists. No consideration or remuneration was given to the mother of the victim and she repeatedly asked that the film not be made . The director wanted to profit and did not care about the mother, perhaps he is a narcissist too.He knew he was placing a mother in a living hell having to relive the murder of her baby. I think Hollywood has always lacked a moral compass and is disgusting, frankly.l I prefer films from Europe and Latin America. – youngmollflanders 5 years ago

Emerald City, and Darkness Falling

Emerald City is a TV series that ran for one season before being cancelled. Its premise was a darker, grittier vision of the Wizard of Oz mythos – something like Gregory Maguire's Wicked, but turned up even further. The original Wizard of Oz books and movies had much less heavy themes and a much less grim worldview, so why were these changes made? Are they merely trying to piggyback on the popularity of Game of Thrones, or is this more related to the shift in cultural expectations over the past twenty years? Or perhaps there is a deeper reason? The essay could speculate on what such changes add to the Oz mythos or tell us about it, and could also branch off into similar evolutions seen in other series, perhaps even in other genres like video games.

  • I wonder if they were inspired by using the thematic tones of 'Return to Oz' which was so much darker and surreal? – SaraiMW 6 years ago

Post Colonialism and "The Romanoffs"

"The Romanoffs," an anthology series found on PrimeVideo follows the lives of self-proclaimed descendants of the Russian Romanov dynasty. Episode One, "The Violet Hour," depicts an elderly woman, Anastasia, living in Paris in need of a new caregiver, Hajar. A topic of interest is the treatment of Hajar, a nursing student and Muslim. Various interactions between Anastasia, Anastasia's family, and Hajar reopen the topic of Western Imperialism/Post Colonialism and the Middle East. One particular scene involves Hajar confessing to Anastasia's nephew that their one-nightstand (where Greg pursues a hesitant Hajar) produced a pregnancy, where Hajar's family demands a restitution of sorts at the symbolic invasion of their daughter. (I immediately thought of the symbolic rape of the Nile with the occupation and construction of the Suez Canal by Britain.) Greg responds with "I should be mad, but I'm not…" This also introduces the age-old notion of women bearing the responsibility of unplanned pregnancies.


    How has the soundtrack of 'Bandersnatch' defined its multiple endings

    Analyze how the songs which were specifically chosen from the '80s depicted every single internal conflict that the protagonist went through, and also pick up instances how each song was consistently featuring itself like the voice of the audience.

    • This could also be expanded to analyze other production elements, such as lighting, costuming and props. Or someone with in depth music knowledge could go deeper into unlocking more symbolic connections. – Kevin 6 years ago

    Representation and Streaming Media: Why Gay Characters Matter in Netflix Originals

    Briefly outline and analyze Netflix original series that have garnered both positive and negative attention from the online LGBT community. Discuss why some series disappointed gay and queer fans, like Voltron: Legendary Defenders and Kiss Me First, and others delighted them, like She-Ra: Princesses of Power, Sens8, and Black Mirror. Potentially discuss whether other streaming services have "hopped on the bandwagon" with gay-friendly shows or have yet to catch up.


      Social and Political Issues in Today's Fictional TV Series

      Orange is the New Black tells stories of corruption, privilege and discrimination in the American criminal justice system. In its most recent season American Horror story tells the story of women rising together and the death of traditional female roles. What is the value or purpose of seeing contemporary issues played back to us in our entertainment? What does this do for us?

      • Love this! There's lots of other shows you can tap into for examples of this, too, and you can pretty much make a case for most shows having an underlying political or social message. I would encourage you to consider maybe honing in on one specific topic. Focusing on one topic, like the criminal justice system or traditional female roles, would allow for more room to explain the issue and why its being mirrored in entertainment media. I think it's interesting because we often think of television as "escapist" media, when it often comments upon timely social issues. – Eden 6 years ago
      • a media is a reflection of the society its in. its fine to add realistic elements to shows and all forms of art have the right to spread a message and have themes. and for orange is the new black, i mean, the show is about prison, especially its system, in america.....i think its very much natural for them to talk about the justice system and everyone that is affected by it. – jayjayhutch 6 years ago
      • Although it is important for art to represent its contemporary political climate, however, too much of it might be the end call for a piece of art. – AthenDawn 6 years ago
      • An interesting topic. How we may develop attitudes and opinions about problems in real life can be helped along by how they are presented in a fictional way. – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago
      • Media has always been a reflection of the society it was created in, and there have always been media works that held themes of contemporary issues. Unfortunately, with social media and the political climate today, at least in the U.S, there's a lot of people who believe these things are biased towards an agenda or trying to be preachy. I do agree that there's a lot of media that can come off as preachy, especially if not well executed, but having underlying political/social messages in a work doesn't automatically devalue it, unlike what many, many groups see it. If that were the case, then works such as 1984, Brave New World, any Shakespearean work, etc. are all bad. Different audiences have different tastes, and when they encounter a work that doesn't cater to them, that's when you get the complaints, especially from those who want all their entertainment to provide escapism. – ImperatorSage 6 years ago

      "American Pickers" and Reality TV: The Real from the Staged

      “American Pickers” on the History Channel is fun and enjoyable to watch. The problem, however, is how real is it actually. Reality TV shows need to keep the audience entertained and want them to come back for more, this show is no different. By focusing on this specific show an essay can address staged from real and the impact the show might have on people who begin to believe the stuff they have in a garage, a storage bin, a loft (probably junk they long forgot about) is worth anything of real value. In the case of this show watching people call their stuff “collecting” when it looks more like hoarding can contribute to a good essay.

      • Make sure to look at the other articles on Reality TV already published to address some of the discussion on RTV, but then yes a focus in on the concept of "collecting" and its socio-cultural implications could be really interesting. – SaraiMW 6 years ago