Writing and Consciousness

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Writing as a means to discover the nature of consciousness

Stream of consciousness writing is an interesting way to gain insights into the nature of mind and consciousness. It would be extremely interesting to see what kind of article could be written concerning writing as a means of discovering insights into the nature of human mind. Perhaps researching areas such as philosophy of mind, consciousness, the relationship between mind and body, psychology, and flow states could reveal valuable ideas into this topic.

  • I can't really see where you are going with this.. Do you mean examining practices like automatic writing where you just write for several minutes witout thinking or you mean the essence of what is written? – Kaya 8 years ago
  • I'm not completely sure about where you are going with this but maybe you could consider the psychoanalytic cathartic method, namely the idea of converting traumas into language and therefore curing them. In relation to this, mentioning Greek tragedy and its tackling of the human nature and mind would be useful. If you want to focus on stream of consciousness as a form of writing then you could, for instance, compare authors such as Joyce and Woolf and explore how language and writing function for them and which kind of insights they offer in relation to the way in which our mind works. In any case, I think that the topic could be interesting but it is a bit too broad and needs to be restricted to something more specific. – CostanzaCasati 8 years ago
  • I think you will need to be more specific with this one. Perhaps a certain kind of writing or a certain kind of consciousness. The topic is just too broad and unspecific, to the point where it might actually be hard to understand more than anything else. – agramugl 8 years ago
  • I think the second half of this topic would be more interesting, and you would benefit from leaving out how consciousness is related to writing. Maybe focus on a specific topic in philosophy of mind (functionalism, dualism), rather than connecting it to the art of writing. – ecooper15 8 years ago
  • I like where you're going with this! I have always been interested in learning more about consciousness, however, I feel that in order to write a strong article from this topic, research needs to be done through credible sources and asking people their opinions on consciousness. Also, asking people who are either knowledgable or beginners in starting their joinery into "the all knowing." – saritachris 8 years ago