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Did the video gaming industry improve for women in 2015?

It has been over a year since the Gamergate controversy, where women video game developers and critics were harrassed online by misogynists and a wider discussion opened up about women in video games and the associated industry.

With this in mind, how have video games been for women in 2015? Can look at characters and themes in PC/console games from big hits (e.g. Star Wars: Battlefront, Witcher III, GTA 5, Mortal Kombat X, Fallout 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain) to indie gems.

An article could also look at how the year has been for women in the industry, as creators and developers and critics etc.

In essence, is the video gaming scene becoming better and more accessible for women gamers and professionals, especially given all the awareness that Gamergate brought to misogynism in the industry? Or is it merely more of the same as far as the last year has been concerned?

  • This is an excellent topic idea! I think there is lots of content for such a subject and it would make an interesting article. Your title is a bit long, however. Perhaps boil it down to something such as: "Considering Women Characters in Video Games; Feminism's Role". Otherwise, great idea! – Megan Finsel 9 years ago
  • good point, thanks for the helpful suggestion! =D – Camille Brouard 9 years ago
  • Great idea. A couple of vantage points you might consider: 1) there has been an interesting discussion of how marketing created this disparity back in the 1980s. Looking at how marketing has changed may be worth looking at (it may warrant an entirely new article though!). 2) Forbes released its "30 under 30" list recently http://www.forbes.com/30-under-30-2016/games/. Females comprise less than one-third (9 by my count) of the list. Two are self-employed. Is it easier for women to freelance in the industry? – Kristopher Purzycki 9 years ago