Women in film

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The rise of the female-first narrative

With three significant reboots and refocuses we are seeing what is hopefully a significant shift:
Female cast reboot of 'Ghost Busters'
Female cast for 'Oceans 8'
Female lead for Doctor Who

Across film and television we are seeing the shift in the trends to finally reflect a better equality of story telling. Whether this is in fact simply a trend that reflects the demands of today, or (hopefully) a fundamental shift in acknowledging the need for more diverse story telling still remains to be seen.
We are also seeing the re-portrayal of over sexualisation in the structure or rebooting of other films. For example the new 'Tomb Raider' features a less busty (padded) version of Lara Croft, who also makes her own decisions and the film does not include a focal love interest narrative. Although it is a slow process it is a positive one, yet there are still some difficult questions inherent in these portrayals, and it is largely centered around the particular messages and meanings that are expressed through these portrayals – are they subvertive? Or do they still confirm to gender normalisation and fail to offer new interpretations?
What do you think?

  • Most female-led successes of the past five years have been just that- reboots of franchises made popular by men. I think this is definitely a good step, but it's not centered in the right principles. Mulvey repeatedly calls for a cinema made by women, not necessarily a cinema made by men for women, or to support women. – peterzt 6 years ago