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Teiresias: A Literary Study

Teiresias is a character that appears in a number of Greek plays,and other Greek Literature (namely, the trilogy of the Oedipus Cycle). Teiresias seems to have the role of the wisest of all men in the literature of Ancient Greece, with his role in the plot to either expose it, or to play an otherwise pivotal role. How is this done specifically? From whence is his wisdom derived? Also, is his prevalence any indicator of an ideal, or an actual, venerated person?

  • One could look specifically at the different stories about how Teiresias became blind and the way that his physical blindness is compensated by spiritual vision. The figure of the blind seer becomes an archetype throughout Western literature, from John Milton to Gloucester in King Lear to Anchorman 2. Teiresias also reappears in modern literature, such as T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land. – JLaurenceCohen 9 years ago