rick and morty

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Rick and Morty and the success of spontaneous comedy

Perhaps one of the most talked about and bingeable Netflix shows is Justin Roiland and Dan Harmons: "Rick and Morty". Drawing influence from 'Back to the future', combining it with philosophical pessimism and a convoluted plot line featuring parallel universe- the shows success is rooted from its spontaneous humour and erratic social commentary . This formula behind this creative process has been emulated by numerous shows to great success which would make an article about this trend exploring why such success is present, quite compelling.

  • Yes, I really like this notion, Bojack Horseman is another netfilx comedy within this genre – Iliasbakalla 7 years ago

Rick and Morty - Taking TV Animation by Storm

Although only 2 seasons in, Rick and Morty has already established itself as one of the best TV animation shows in this generation. But why is it so popular? The nostalgia it gives as it resembles "Back to the Future"? The colorful animations? The writing style? Analyze why Rick and Morty is becoming more and more popular.

  • There's really no going wrong with a Rick and Morty topic. The show is teeming with all kinds of topics to be discussed and dismantled. Literally anything from the ending scenes from the Season Two finale to the opening credit scene from Episode 1 can be dismantled and discussed. A heavy focus on the reality and writing of the show could really make for a wonderful article. – MatthewP93 8 years ago
  • The writing has a lot to do with it. I can't recall the source, but I remember an article referring to Rick and Morty as one of the smartest shows on television. The sci-fi mixed with suburban drudgery may reflect upon the cult shows such as Family Guy, Futurama, and even the really weird adult swim series such as Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Robot Chicken--which may be one factor contributing to its popularity. Also, creator Justin Roiland has risen to popularity since his Mr. Sprinkles web series, voicing Lemongrab in Adventure Time and other characters on various networks. Nostalgia--yes. The writing style--undoubtedly! And the growing fans are all eagerly awaiting the upcoming season! – DrownSoda 8 years ago
  • It would be super neat to break down the references inside Rick and Morty since there are so many! But on a more analytical note, I agree with DrownSoda that it's worth looking at Rick and Morty in contrast to other adult cartoons. Rick and Morty breaks away from those shows by having a slightly more linear plot line in each season and plays with the tropes that other sci-fi shows use in an arguably more complex and intelligent way. Either way, a Rick and Morty topic would be great in any capacity. – LondonFog 8 years ago

The genius of Rick and Morty

Because it's on Adult Swim, I feel as though Rick and Morty is unfairly categorized as a vulgarly funny cartoon. Which it undoubtedly is. But it's also the best show on TV right now. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Rick is turning into an antihero as fascinating as Walter White. The endless creative possibilities of a show that allows its characters to go to alternate universes lets the show's creators flex their imaginations to a near breaking point. But when it gets too crazy, they always sneak in a moment of like, blistering humanity. Seriously. Watch it. Analyze it. Appreciate it. Maybe you could write about entropy on Rick and Morty. It is a show where literally anything could happen. Several episodes detail the chaos of this situation. Look at how chaos works to push forward both the show's comedy and its character development. One could look at how Rick and Morty began the show as foils, but Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland seem to suggest a future in which Morty takes on Rick's characteristics. What does this say about how we sometimes develop on a path that is parallel to our ancestors'? Another interesting aspect of the show is how it handles the art within its many worlds. In the "Get Schwifty" episode, art actually saves the entire planet. In the "Tiny Rick" episode, art becomes Rick's only way to communicate his inner struggle. What are Harmon and Roiland saying about the power of art to affect the real world? One of the core sources of the comedy in Rick and Morty is how it becomes a meta-commentary on the nature of storytelling. Characters constantly make fourth wall breaking references and critique the show while it is happening. It would be interesting to collect these moments and find a common theme.

  • I love Rick and Morty, it's definitely up there with Bojack Horseman for me. It gets those borderline deep subjects and bring them to the surface in such a comedic and lighthearted way. I love that I can relate to Rick, because he's so complicated and knows that life sucks, but also has a pure heart and likes to help people. That's such a great dynamic for a character. Rick is one of the best characters on TV right now, I faithfully watch this show. It's one of the best TV shows that can get those dark depressed feelings out and still make you laugh about it. I've seen every episode thus far and I think this article can do some magic! – scoleman 9 years ago
  • I, too, love Rick and Morty, and I think that there is a lot to talk about between the power of art and its potential effect on the real world. Think, for instance, about the two episodes where the characters simply watch really bizarre, universe cable that seems to be adlibbed and improvised at that very moment. Also, with the first cable episode, there is a serious discussion about how Jerry and Beth have had seriously unhappy lives compared to what they originally want and how Summer wouldn't even be alive in a perfect world. After all this, they sit down and watch together, owing to your idea of TV and art as a potential effect for real world struggles; like many people who are frustrated with their lives, they use TV as an escape. This episode of Rick and Morty just takes it to a ridiculous extreme. – Gushanas 9 years ago
  • This is a fantastic topic. I've been watching the show non-stop now for a few weeks. It's deeply philosophical, and like you said, meta. If it were possible, I'd really enjoy collaborating with someone on this topic. The show deserves an analysis and application to the human condition and questions of identity / art / story telling. – claytonpitcher 9 years ago