Religion and Literature

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Does Religion Exist in All Literature?

There are several components that must be present in writing in order for literature to become – well, literature. Once such component that isn't a necessity, but nevertheless, occurs frequently in novels, poetry, historical documents, and even political texts is religion. While we know such classics like Charlotte Bronte's _Jane Eyre_ and Shakespeare's _Rome and Juliet_ are teeming with religious allusions, can we say that religion, or religious undertones, in some form are present in nearly everything we read? This also requires us to ask if we have a common idea of what religion really is. Does it simply mean any set of principles or beliefs by which we choose to live, or must religion involve a higher power or entity? To culturally define religion and ask ourselves if we are being fed religious ideas while we read whatever we read is something about which I have often wondered. Discussion?

  • Love this topic, especially since there are literally dozens of options to write about. – Stephanie M. 6 years ago
  • I love the emphasis on questioning what exactly IS religion. Because explicit, traditional religions may not be present in every piece of literature, but religious patterns almost certainly can be found. Life of Pi may be a really good one to analyze! – Heather Lambert 6 years ago
  • Religion does play a huge part in literature. Though religion is a touchy subject to many, I do believe that many of the religious beliefs branch off of one another and certain authors will do their best to have their reader follow the specific principles. – JasonDangTellem 6 years ago