Netflix Anime

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Netflix: Anime's new frontier or Anime: Netflix's new frontier

I have only fairly recently discovered that Netflix now streams anime, many of which is produced by Netflix themselves. Netflix delving into anime gives me mixed feelings: does it spell the end of 'real', 'pure' anime – anime being a Japanese invention, there seems to be an unspoken rule that it can borrow as much references from the outside world without stop being 'anime' yet if another country attempts to create an animated work inspired by anime, such as Avatar the Last Airbender, it is not considered anime. Herein lies the confusion. Netflix is an American company yet their Original anime series seem undoubtedly 'anime' – looking, sounding, and feeling like anime. In this topic, I have quite a few questions: does Netflix creating, producing, and distributing anime spell the end of Anime being 'pure' or does it mean that Anime has finally progressed even further upon its path of global, nay, universal domination? At what point , or how much foreign involvement is needed before anime stops being anime? As many 'Japanese' anime outsources work from other countries especially China or Korea for in-betweening, does this mean that as long as the creative force behind the work is Japanese, the resulting work is Anime?

  • Anime is an art form. The way I it looks is what makes it anime, much-like how one recognized looney tunes. They way they are drawn, scenes, and dialogue are all key components of these animations. Netflix creates another convenient outlet to view and enjoy them. – TeddyJ 6 years ago