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How a Husband Helped and Hindered Jo March's Development as a Woman in Little Women (2020)

Analysing Jo March's character development in the movie Little Women (or the book) and how her beliefs about women changed through falling in love with a man. Contrasting her initial beliefs that women should not have to be married for society, and should be allowed to work for themselves even if married, Jo's ideas change when she discovers loneliness and love. How does meeting her husband alter her overarching beliefs?

  • This is an interesting one, I'd suggest looking into Louisa May Alcott's story as a woman author herself during that time to better understand why Jo ends up with a man in the end in the first place. I think Jo marrying in the end might say more about the time period and the obstacles women faced than it does about her actual character. There's a pithy little scene in the movie where we see Jo debate the romantic fate of her heroine with her publisher which might help. – MaeveM 5 years ago
  • APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE! I'm doing an article featuring Little Women right now (totally different topic and angle, don't worry). And can I just say, it's about time we discussed this? – Stephanie M. 5 years ago
  • I love how Jo's beliefs are although altered, not contradicted once she discovers these things throughout the course of the film. Everything she stands for about women independence, empowerment, and values remain firm as her story develops into love interest. – connorjbrennan 5 years ago