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Electronic Dance Music - from the Underground to Mainstream

Examine and describe certain movements of electronic music since its rise in popularity. Focus on a single genre or several at once. What were their implications in the raver community? How did society react to these new types of sounds? I believe you can trace how the underground sounds in the raver culture of old can help uncover certain trends and developments that have influenced the mainstream industry of pop music.

  • I would also add discussion on the argument regarding the legitimacy of electronic dance music--is there any real skill/expertise in its creation, and if so, does it require enough talent to be as vastly popular as it is? Does talent play into composition at all? – amyolweiler 9 years ago
  • Consideration definitely needs to be paid towards the difference between 'actors' who DJ live without DJing live - pre-recorded sets, etc. - and those who are pushing the boundaries and who pushed them in the first place. Perhaps worth thinking about major voices in this issue, like Mat Zo, who once shared a list of 'ghost producers' for 'famous' DJs, or Deadmau5 who was laughing not long ago about a Forbes story detailing the bankruptcy of SFX Entertainment. Both of those artists take the creation of their music very seriously; Zo has even made 'theproducersforum.com' to facilitate the development of new electronic artists. /Never/ boil down EDM into a push-play culture. There is immense skill in the craft of some artists, both in composition and live performance. Disclosure, Madeon and Porter Robinson quickly come to mind. – JekoJeko 9 years ago