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When to pull the plug?

At what point should comic publishers like DC and Marvel cancel a series that isn't as financially viable as was hoped? A few weeks ago, DC announced a few young comics were being cancelled early, including Green Lanter: Lost Army and Omega Men (which has been allowed to run for the original 12 issues), which was met with fairly universal backlash. Many people agree that cancelling issues after seeing sales figures for only a few issues and before even all of the issues that will be included in the trade paper back is unfair to the consumer and to a point the artist. But these publishers are companies with financial obligations, meaning that if a comic series is doing poorly, they should dump it and replace it with something that will be commercially successful.

  • Marvel's also got it's really drawn out reboot thing going on NOW! started in October 2012 and started, dropped, and changed up a bunch of titles off and on until they finally bit the reboot bullet in May with Secret Wars. This is another element in the early cancellation of titles that could be contrasted with the financial aspect. – Max 9 years ago