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Live Action TV Shows that Appeal to Anime Fans

Some anime fans are apathetic to live action tv. Explore some of the live action or animated (not Japanese) series that appeal to anime fans. Some of these are Adventure Time, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, RWBY and Rick and Morty. What do they have in common? What features make these series appeal to those who generally prefer to watch anime?

  • I feel like this one would be kind of hard to do unless you are that said anime watcher. For example, where do I find data on how many people exclusively watch data and don't like other types of tv? And as far as exceptions to the rule, I feel that they'd be pretty standard. I think there are a lot of people out there who love anime but aren't opposed to watching other tv/movies. Because of this, I'd think you should reword you topic to be more like "Why people love anime." Or maybe leave the title, but remove saying that there are a lot of people out there who exclusively watch anime and nothing else. That said, I fear that this subject might be pretty closely related to other articles/topics already posted. – Tatijana 9 years ago
  • I'm sure you're right that there are some anime fans who are so stuck on the aesthetics and the types of characters and stories that they prefer nothing else. Although that may speak to a deeper personal issue of disliking reality and preferring idealized fantasy, if that's all they choose to watch. In any case, I doubt if there are sufficient poles or sufficient studies on just how many people fall into that category, or really any direct information as to why. You'd do well to at least state where you got the idea for this topic in the first place. You must have seen a few specific people express that they don't like live-action tv, somewhere online. Otherwise you wouldn't have offered this up. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
  • Sorry, I am talking about one of my friends and myself who have this issue. Of course, it might be difficult to find the information except on forums. I think there is a topic on US cartoons versus anime so this might be rehashing already covered ground. How about changing it to - "Live Action TV shows that appeal to anime fans"? – Jordan 9 years ago
  • I think you'd actually do well to write a personal blog entry about your experience with this particular preference with media. I'd be rather curious to hear about why this is so in your case. As for an alternate topic, I might even be interested in looking into Live-Action shows that could appeal to anime fans, so feel free to change the topic. It's not really something I've seen fully covered before. I'm not sure if my exact experience with anime would be quite the same as others, though, since I haven't quite watched some of the more recent popular series. Then again, I'd still be willing to give it a shot with my unique perspective. =) – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
  • No worries, Jonathon. I'll change the title. For myself I have little patience with live action television shows since the amount of planning in regard to episode numbers and scripting seems different to anime? When an anime comes out it is already clear how many episodes it has, with live action it is ambiguous... a series could easily be made three or more seasons too long. I watched How I Met Your Mother all the way through and it could have been 4 seasons shorter. This still happens with anime but generally it is less common. I could go on, but that's the one major difference. – Jordan 9 years ago
  • So, do you want someone to discuss those specific shows, or do you want someone to discuss what makes Western shows in general (be they live-action or animated) appeal to an anime watching audience? – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
  • Both? General might be better. – Jordan 9 years ago
  • This is a hard topic, although I know exactly what you're talking about. Me and many of my friends fall into this circle -- lovers of Sherlock and Dr Who who nevertheless feel right at home at an anime convention. Perhaps its the nerdiness of said shows? Perhaps its the community that builds around these shows (on tumblr, for example) that draws people in? – sophiacatherine 9 years ago
  • Yes exactly, there's something about the 'nerdiness' about these series, but it would be interesting to define exactly what this encompasses. – Jordan 9 years ago