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Pomegranate symbolism in ancient literature

Pomegranates have been cultivated by humans for thousands of years, and perhaps one of the oldest harvested fruit. The red, bulb-like fruit is mentioned in Ancient Egyptian texts, Greek mythology, the Bible, and the Quran. Different cultures used this fruit as treatment for various ailments (i.e. tapeworm in ancient Egypt). It is interesting how different ancient cultures viewed pomegranates and used them symbolically in their literature.

  • So the article would provide a perspective about Pomegranates (what they are, where they are grown, which cultures had them) and then expand on that point, using symbolism and literature perspectives. Or so I understand. Will it have religious connotations? Just curious. – shehrozeameen 8 years ago
  • I believe it will have religious connotations as some cultures (such as the Zoroastrians and Jews) used pomegranates in their traditions and rites. – AaronJRobert 8 years ago
  • Pomegranates definitely have religious meaning and significance! It would be interesting to see how they all tie together, even in later medieval symbology (in art and heraldry). It might be important to note how many of these more ancient cultures were interconnected and played off of each other's mythology. – boldlygone 8 years ago
  • I think this could be a very eye-catching article. There's definitely history and plenty of research material there. It would be interesting to see how you would integrate culture, literature, and tradition. – ReidaBookman 8 years ago
  • Interesting information, but what are people supposed to do with it? – T. Palomino 1 year ago