Adaptation studies

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Dracula Adaptations

'The shift from a single track, uniquely verbal medium such as the novel (or the short story), which "has only words to play with", to a multitrack medium such as film, which can play not only with words, but also with theatrical performance, music, sound effects, and moving photographic images, explains the likelihood – and I would suggest even the undesirability — of literal fidelity' (Robert Stam)

How do you think the adaptation's of Dracula by Bram Stoker, most notably Francis Ford Coppola's film, explore the complexities of adaptation ?

  • I'll add to this quote-bank: "films about Dracula today are as often seen as adaptations of other earlier films as they are of Bram Stoker's novel" (Linda Hutcheon). – ProtoCanon 6 years ago