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Film and Television After 9/11

9/11 was the most devastating terror attack on American soil, and consequently its repercussions are still felt 15 years later. Examine how 9/11 influenced American media, in both the immediate aftermath and more long-term reflections. Don't focus just on films and TV shows about 9/11, but look more at how it informed film aesthetics, story-lines, and how we depict terrorism and political issues in film and television (e.g., how depictions of destruction changed in the advent of 9/11, analyzing the 9/11-like imagery of films such as Spielberg's War of the Worlds, and the DC Cinematic Universe). Focus on specific themes these films tackle in the wake of 9/11, such as PTSD, fear of the unknown threat, and, again, the proper response to terrorism.

  • This is a hugely broad topic. Is there a way to narrow this down? As it stands, this could be like at least five or six different articles. I could write one just on Spiderman. – Christen Mandracchia 8 years ago
  • This topic is a good one, but it covers a lot of ground. I would focus on just a certain movie or just include some of the films and TV shows from the years right after 9/11. There have been a lot of movies and TV shows that display the affects of 9/11 in the past 15 years. – TaylorNCampbell 8 years ago

Post-9/11 literature and entertainment

When analyzing literature from the early half of the 20th century, there are clear changes in writers before and after the World Wars. The biggest shift came after the Great War, as this was the first war of this scale, with such a large body count, and with new technologies and conventions.

Now that we are coming up on 15 years after 9/11, I suspect we can see a shift in pop culture following the attack on the Twin Towers, and analyze what the shift was, how it affected each medium, and how long the shit remained.

There were works created specifically in response to the attack, including Bruce Springsteen's The Rising as well as Frank Miller's controversial follow-up to the Dark Knight Returns: The Dark Knight Strikes Again (at least in part as stated in Miller's forward to the Dark Knight Saga hardcover).Other works that were written before the attacks were deeply patriotic were brought back into the pop culture, notably Proud to be an American.

Examine pop culture before the attacks (late 90's-mid 2001), immediately after the attacks (late 2001-2002), a couple years after *2003-2005), 5-10 years after (2006-2011), and contemporary works.

  • Something to look at for this might be ABC's new series Quantico, which centers around solving the mystery of a terrorist attack in New York City, and even features a character whose family was impacted by 9/11. It might also be interesting to look at how terrorism as a plot point has grown in entertainment (SVU, Criminal Minds, etc.) Interesting topic for sure. – MichelleAjodah 9 years ago
  • Since Batman was mentioned, I think looking at Nolan's trilogy, especially in comparison to older Batman films, would be important, especially since The Dark Knight is essentially a grim crime drama that deals with the law, corruption (bought officers, Dent's transformation), and the Joker's terrorism, which is meant to cause instability. – Emily Deibler 9 years ago
  • There is a surprising lack of critical thinking in movies and literature regarding aspects of 9/11. Perhaps too soon? – Munjeera 9 years ago