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Lack of Original Scripts in Hollywood

Analysis and study of the lack of original scripts for big Hollywood movies. A majority of the recent films from Hollywood have been remakes or adaptations (whether from TV, Anime, or books). I think it would be interesting to look into why Hollywood seems to be shunning original films (or why they seem to only come from indie production companies). What does this say about Hollywood's creativity? What does this say about the consumer?

  • Rather than looking at lack of originality in Hollywood, how about the rise of originality in foreign films to introduce audiences to specific national cinemas – Ryan Errington 10 years ago
  • To consider this would be to delve into the business aspect of film. Consider the four pillars of cinema: art, technology, business, and society. How do films reflect societal fears? What drives movies, is it business or art? Does it have to be just one? You could also consider the recession and see how that may have impacted the film industry. For instance, it is far safer to release a movie with an established fan base than to attempt to create one. – AnnieVos 10 years ago
  • There was an article a couple of years ago outlining everything scripts need to do to be accepted. Your article could use this list to outline the overt infatuation with sequels, franchises etc. – Thomas Munday 10 years ago
  • Selling an original screenplay is harder because nobody knows the screenwriter and therefore is a risky venture and could result in the loss of profits. Books however have proven themselves worthy if they've made a lot of money which means less risk of losing money. – Travis Kane 10 years ago

Films that Embrace Sisterhood

A list comprising of films that embrace sisterhood. I read a book called "Enlightened Sexism" and the author argued the importance of sisterhood. Several films and reality shows pit women against one another rather than having them work together to achieve a goal. Films like "A League of their Own," or "Gentleman Prefer Blondes" show women in a positive light and focus on their problems in a realistic fashion.

  • How would sisterhood be defined? I assume it would be in terms of feminism. There would have to be a common trend which is prevalent within all the examples you would wish to use. – Ryan Errington 10 years ago
  • In my experience, women generally don't have each other's back. Maybe that's why it's not common to see women supporting other women on film. – LaurenCarr 10 years ago
  • It could be interesting to see the trends of target audiences as well: are films that portray women as friends and working together more targeted to female audiences? – bookworm2g9 10 years ago
  • "Strong women build each other up rather than put each other down" - I think this could be a great article - you could even link it into the Frozen craziness, how come the sisterly love was so surprising? – Francesca Turauskis 10 years ago

The Rise in Popularity of Vigilante Movies

Explore the increasing popularity of vigilante movies and what it says about our society/culture.

Possible Movies to explore:
– Comic books movies (such as Batman; the Punisher, Kick-Ass etc)
– The Taken series
– The Equalizer
– The Brave One

  • Would be interesting to see this include an analysis of the power dynamic between the vigilante and society. To what extent is vigilantism on screen the product of the vigilante's powerlessness in society and lack of available legitimate options, and how much of our enjoyment of vigilante movies is based on our own sense of helplessness against societal infrastructures? – Monique 10 years ago
  • Monique's points are all terrific. Another thing to support the notion that these types of films are popular box office numbers. Whoever decides to right on this would be wise to use the popular of vigilante movies in identifying the societal significance of them. – Giovanni Insignares 10 years ago
  • Double-dipping here, sorry -- it might also be interesting to look at the differences between male and female vigilantes. Are men "allowed" more violence in their vigilantism? Do the different genders have different vigilante goals? Are they portrayed differently in terms of moral standing? – Monique 10 years ago
  • Yes to the above. On screen in general might be good as well because then you could look at things like Arrow (which is immense, but also has both male and female vigilantes in and the women are more violent) – Francesca Turauskis 10 years ago
  • I would like to see a comparison to some of the previous vigilante films that became popular in the 80s such as Death Wish. Is there something in our current culture that has brought this sub-genre back? – Liz Watkins 10 years ago

Films based around the planets in our solar system

List of Science Fiction movies to expand our horizons. Here's what I've seen so far:

Earth- Apollo 18

Mercury- Can't really think of or find any films around this planet.

Venus- First Spaceship On Venus (1960)

Mars- The Angry Red Planet (1959), Total Recall (1990), Mission to Mars (2000), Red Planet (2000), Ghosts of Mars (2001), Doom (2005), Mars Needs Moms (2011), John Carter (2012), The Last Days on Mars (2013)

Jupiter- Invasion of the Astro-Monster (1965), Europa Report (2013), Jupiter Ascending (2015)

Saturn- Silent Running (1972), Beetlejuice (1984), Interstellar (2014)

Uranus- Journey to the Seventh Planet is the only one I know of.

Neptune- Event Horizon

Would be interesting to have a compiled list of movies and how these explore the planets.

  • For Earth--you can also look into how Planet of the Apes (both original and remakes) explore the future of Earth as one unrecognizable to its inhabitants. – bookworm2g9 10 years ago
  • I like bookworm's suggestion. I think you'd have to be careful not to just tell us what happens but have a theory behind it. For example, the further we get from Earth, it is more apocolyptic? Does each depiction on film refelct something of our own? Why is there so many about MArs and so few about Mercury? You have to give us some (possible) answers! – Francesca Turauskis 10 years ago

The Return of the Action Genre

In the past decade the action genre of film has dwindled. It's rare that we see a modestly budgeted action film make its way into theaters and even when it does it hardly ever does well. What we mostly see is films with titanic budgets, usually comic book based films, and the throwbacks to the good old days of action are only found on direct to video films with varying degrees of quality. But with the critical and financial success of John Wick, a modestly budgeted and original action film with countless potential for a large franchise, could the genre make a good comeback and if so how could it stay firmly in the box office once again?

  • Good point, about almost all action movies these days being either based on comic books or revamps of old movies. As a fan of the genre, this can be frustrating, and after a while the movies tend to be very repetitive. – fountainja 10 years ago
  • Another thing to look at within the rebirth of this genre is the actors participating in it. Since Liam Neeson essentially rebranded his career as "action star," what other actors are following suit? Is it more about the money or the excitement of running around and beating the crap out of bad guys? Films like John Wick are the cornerstone for the future of solid, pulpy, and very exciting action filmmaking. But are filmmakers like that only doing it in order to get a bigger directing a superhero movie? – Giovanni Insignares 10 years ago

New 1980s Throwback Films

Like 'The Guest' and 'Drive'. We've been seeing this genre more and more the recent years, particularly after the success of 'Drive'.

  • You have a good point, we have been seeing more throwback films and it's a relief. – Hailtothechimp 10 years ago
  • An perspective point could be since we are reaching a new generation with throw-back films are we instilling the same cultural lessons or does the new generation make enchantments to bettering our cultural beliefs. – Venus Echos 10 years ago
  • How about Ghostbusters? Also, not a film, but Jem and the Holograms just got rebooted as a comics series. – Kristian Wilson 10 years ago
  • Indiana Jones seems more and more likely to be rebooted, also. While Drive is very much a throwback, should studios be more focused on making movies that throwback and touch on the 80s or should they just outright reboot them like they are with Ghostbusters and Indy? – Giovanni Insignares 10 years ago

Movies based on interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Summarize the concept of Quantum Mechanics and provide a list of movies based on interpretation of it. For example, Coherence (2013) is based on quantum mechanics, referring to a quantum state, where different versions of reality can still interchange with each other. Are there any other movies focusing on the same concept? Triangle (2009) and Timecrimes (2007) comes into mind…

  • The movie 'Source Code' starring Jake Gyllenhaal dabbles in quantum mechanics, and even gives a nod to the star of the old TV show Quantum Leap. – Greg Mac 10 years ago
  • I absolutely love this topic! It might be said that Looper is based on quantum mechanics. I know that Looper is technically about time travel, but since one loop can affect another, it's almost like different timelines are coexisting. However, I find this to be one of the film's greatest weaknesses, because it is the very epitome of a plothole. Still, one might question whether alternate realities are present in every single time travel film, because multiple events happen in different scenarios at the same point in time, which may mean that they have to take place in different versions of reality. – CimoneW 10 years ago
  • Forgive this note if it is a little ignorant of the intricacies of quantum mechanics (I don't come from a science background), but some possible examples that come to mind are Primer, maybe Back to the Future, Twelve Monkeys, Looper, Interstellar, etc. I kind of just feel like I'm naming time travel stories, most of which probably don't have a strong basis in actual science, let alone quantum. If we expand it into television, there's s03e04 of Community (aka "Remedial Chaos Theory"), pretty much all of Rick & Morty (really anything that Dan Harmon gets his hands on could be useful), and though I've never watched Doctor Who I have to assume that there might be some relevance there. Interestingly, a colleague of mine wrote his MA thesis on stage-plays based on quantum mechanics, with his three case studies being John Mighton’s Possible Worlds (1990), Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia (1993), and Tony Kushner’s Homebody/Kabul (2001). The full text is accessible online for whoever's interested ( Perhaps that can enter the discussion somehow. – ProtoCanon 8 years ago

The New French Extremity: Psychology Behind The Work

Exploring the titles with a psychological perspective. For information about The New French Extremity, see Wikipedia article: (link)