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Which franchises outperform the film or TV show in revenue?

Can the paraphernalia have a higher return than the feature film itself?

  • Two words: Star Wars. Star Wars was the real start of merchandising popular films and if anything has made more money than the feature film it is that entire series. – Jemarc Axinto 10 years ago

Mainstream Movies: Do They Reflect Middle-of-the-road Culture?

Mainstream movies and popular television programs; do they mirror the typical culture of the viewing audience or do they shape the culture? Do we have a culture that mimics a popular film or did the film capture a part of culture? For example, smoking in films from the 40s through the 70s may have made this habit popular and helped to shape a culture into an addictive behavior. This behavior may not have been as far reaching without the influence of films that promote smoking as acceptable and popular behavior.

  • Very interesting topic that you've already developed well with these questions. Mainstream films definitely have a considerable impact on social behaviors, more than we allow ourselves to believe. It would be interesting to link it to TV - series really seem to be at the heart of this tension today. – Rachel Elfassy Bitoun 10 years ago
  • Rachel I agree TV series would be advantageous regarding this subject matter. Since movies are usually a one or two-time viewing for most and TV series enter the homes on a regular schedule and allow for more information to be distributed, which could have various effects on the viewer. Thanks. ~Venus – Venus Echos 10 years ago

Cinematic Ripple Effect: How Can One Film Change Hollywood Forever?

Whether it be through story and character or controversy and scandal, some Hollywood films have changed the cinematic landscape unexpectedly. What does it take to make this happen? How does The Interview cause more effect than even Boyhood or Birdman?

  • I think it would also be worth mentioning the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Other studios seem to be trying to replicate it in some way and not necessarily with superheroes. I believe there was some rumor of creating a Ghostbusters cinematic universe or even a Disney Princess shared universe. – Cagney 10 years ago
  • It is true that some films may be considered milestones in cinema, but I wouldn't say that they changed Hollywood "forever." Also, do you realize Hollywood is not the only movie producer in the world? – T. Palomino 2 years ago

Sherlock: British Crime Story

Sherlock Holmes is considered the basis for well-established crime fiction. So, how has Arthur Conan Doyle's mega-successful franchise stood the test of time and influence so many crime films, TV series, radio plays (serial) etc.?

  • Great topic. There are so many today. Even obscure ones we don't think about like the television show 'House'. I'm sure there are others, so it would neat to see someone discuss them all. – Liz Watkins 10 years ago

The Best and Worst of Director Michael Mann

Dissect Michael Mann's career and compare his best works to his worst. What makes Heat such a revered crime-thriller? Why haven't Collateral or Ali received greater consideration? Is Blackhat is worst film and has he officially fallen too far?

  • Michael Mann is a varied director in some ways. He can direct noir classics like Manhunter and Thief. Epics like Heat and The Last of the Mohicans. And stinkers like The Keep and Blackhat. I also want to see Mann's career and his overall style discussed in this article. – monstersandneon 10 years ago
  • Are you saying that the article should be a list of the best to worst/worst to best movies of Michael Mann which addresses the techniques employed in each individual movie, or an analysis in how his filmmaking style has changed over time? Both are worthy topics, but they are also very different. Which would you say would be better? – August Merz 10 years ago

Terminator Genysis: Scratching the Blackboard

What does the Terminator franchise's latest installment have to do to erase Terminator: Rise of the Machines and Terminator: Salvation whilst keeping to a consistent time-travel loop?

  • Also, I would be interested to see if it relates to the television show "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" in any way. – Liz Watkins 10 years ago

A.I. Artificial Intelligence: The Oedipal Connection between Mother and Son

An analysis of David's obsession with his adopted mother, Monica, in relation to the myth of Oedipus.

  • Interesting topic. The article will really need to be backed-up by thorough references to Freud's original thesis. Really define the oedipal connection - it tends to be taken for granted and used in many different ways by popular culture. – Rachel Elfassy Bitoun 10 years ago

Birdman: Just One More Like

An analysis of Birdman's critique on society's need to stay relevant and the delusions of grandeur that social media brings to the table.

  • I think this topic has the ability to expand beyond analysis of social media. Birdman also focuses on Riggan's struggle with his identity as an actor and a person. He is at conflict between artistic integrity and an ego trip on former triumphs (the Birdman character). – Ryan Errington 10 years ago
  • Great topic! The article, however, could delve into some of the movie's bigger themes about sociopathic tendencies, envy over other actor's careers, and the performer's longing desire to remain popular for extended periods. – Thomas Munday 10 years ago
  • This is a great idea for an article! I like Ryan's idea of discussing artistic integrity vs. commercialized success. Riggan seems to be stuck in this paradox where he desires to remain relevant in a world that he also wishes to escape; we see desire to escape through his Birdman fantasies and through his suicide attempts. – ekeating 10 years ago