The Writer Sits in the Back

The Writer Sits in the Back

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    The Legacy of the Fate/Stay Night Universe

    In 2004, Japanese company Type-Moon released a visual novel titled Fate/Stay Night, with its first anime production following two years later in 2006. In 2015, the franchise just came off a pretty successful anime run In Unlimited Blade Works and is preparing to release a film based on the Heaven's Feel route. Why has a franchise been this successful in its sales and merchandising? What makes this franchise endure the test of time and stand out from the rest of many visual novels?

    • Austin has already written a topic about this. I'd go find his article and make sure the content deviates. Otherwise, great idea. – Jordan 9 years ago

    The Impacts of Hatsune Miku

    One of Japan's iconic musical idols is not even real. Her name is Hatsune Miku – an anime inspired program called a Vocaloid. Vocaloids are anime inspired characters based off of musical software that are often featured in original musical compositions, video games, fan art, music videos, and so much more. Hatsune Miku has been a driving force in Japan and is slowly making her way to popularity in North America and the rest of the world. How can a musical idol that is not even real inspire so many to express their creativity?

    • This is a very interesting topic and one I would like to hear your full opinion on. I have personally heard multiple songs sung by Hatsune Miku and I would like to hear other people thoughts on her/its success. A suggestion if your looking for references, the FineBros on Youtube did a react episode of elders watching a Hatsune Miku concert. – tylerjt 9 years ago
    • You might already be aware of this, but Aoi from The GazettE tweeted controversially about vocaloids and how they made a mockery of flesh and blood musicians like him. Check out some related articles for your reference like this one at Tokyo Hive if you get a chance to: – PhoenixS 9 years ago
    • I think this is a great topic - it's an interesting thing to see how something so intangible has such a solid impact. – DullahanLi 9 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    The Writer Sits in the Back

    As a growing writer myself, I believe that characters should have more than one side to them. I always ask myself what motivates the character I’m writing about and the choice they made to get to where they are today.

    Exploring The Hero's Journey: A Writer's Guide
    The Writer Sits in the Back

    When I watched Bebop for the first time, I was amazed at how the director has woven a clear cut story, with scenes that are at times minimalist and leaves you guessing for more.

    Cowboy Bebop: Top Ten Essential Episodes
    The Writer Sits in the Back

    I remember watching Lain lat year. When you get down to it, it confusing at first, but the story seem to make sense to me somewhere in the middle of the plot. It had a very intimidating and dark atmosphere and the odd silences between scenes in the show jut added that sense of uneasiness.

    Serial Experiments Lain in the Modern Age of Social Media and the Internet
    The Writer Sits in the Back

    Out of all the shonen anime I’ve watched, none tackled such philosophical ideas of love, war, and peace like Naruto did. It started out as a campy action oriented ninja anime and has slowly evolved and developed maturely over time like many of the show’s fans.

    Love in Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto
    The Writer Sits in the Back

    I will be checking out the FMA anime and manga soon. Gotta say that the series looks very interesting and I hope it fulfills my friends recommendations to watch it.

    Full Metal Alchemist: Science vs Religion
    The Writer Sits in the Back

    Spirited Away was an anime film that my sociology class once analyzed for a class project. We noticed a lot of Marxist inspired concepts in the film such as how Yubaba controls the whole bathhouse (means of production) and how each worker has a specific job or duty to fulfill, as where Chihiro fits in by working hard to get her parents back. I saw the film in a different light back then and I still believe its one of Ghibli’s best.

    Spirited Away: Change as a Positive Force