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    Technical Competence Vs. Quality in Classic Cinema

    I recently re-watched Tod Brownings 1931 adaptation of Dracula, along with the Spanish language reshoot made the same year. Later, I watched an analysis of both films that was arguing the english language version was superior due to the technical proficiency of the camera operator. They compared the number of tracking shots, pushes, and dolly shots, then judged the quality of the film based off those numbers.

    Personally, I find this to be somewhat of a silly way of judging a film's quality, but I couldn't help that agree with the author of the video that the English version looks much better than the Spanish one. Should the technical execution of a film, especially classic film, play a role in our subjective judgement of it?

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      Dark Souls is my favorite game series precisely for the thematic tie in’s with the gameplay.

      How Dark Souls Teaches Us to Accept Failure

      This article made me rethink my initial analysis of this movie. Although I’m still uncertain on the film’s goal. I took the blinding at the end of the film to be a symbolic shutting off of the outside world. The disgust the characters feel at the real world around them is palpable in the final scene, after all, what kind of world would doom its lonely citizens to being animals, who would want to witness that world and that type of artificial love in person? David and the Shortsided Woman are bound in their own world of self imposed blindness.

      What Can We Learn from a Lobster?

      I think we are moving more towards a general acceptance of the theories of Ray Kurzweil. As a society, we are more accepting of the idea of a physical Artificial Intelligence, after all, we’ve had it jam packed in our media for the past 40+ years. Hell, we had one on Jeopardy. Because of this physical acceptance, more and more people are considering the social and philosophical problems with integrating AI into our world.

      The Future of Cultural Accomplishments: A Look into the Creative Virtue of Artificial Intelligence