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    Is "tumblr poetry" not "real" poetry?

    Where there is language, there has always been poetry; for it is not only an art, but also a means of expression. But it has metamorphosed over the years, either in form or in the manner of dissemination. While it is natural that just as there are recognised masters of the art, there will always be amateur poets, the only factor that delineates amateur poetry as the seeming curse of modernity is the rise of the internet, and with it, of blogs and social media — heralding the rise of the so-called "Instagram poets" or "Tumblr poets." Gone are the days when the publication of your works were at the whim of those who controlled the press.

    As with any activity, there is a spectrum of talent to be found. While there are those who put line breaks into epigrams and call it poetry, there are also writers of free verse with compelling metaphor and imagery. However, any amateur poet who shares this work faces a debate as to whether they can be called legitimate poets. Discuss: what is the need for this debate? What are the factors leading to this debate? Do the arguments posed hold water? Is it not a form of elitism to generalise the quality of self-published work? What can we do to acknowledge this shift in the nature of content creation?

    • To me this sounds like a critique on the quality of poetry. Thus, for the benefit of the person writing on this topic, I think this should be seen in this light. – J.D. Jankowski 4 years ago
    • For artists that come to mind, I think of Rupi Kaur, Nayyirah Waheed, and Amanda Lovelace. I think it might be also interesting to look into how forms of "traditional poetry" (such as the sonnet or blank verse) are often regarded as more professional, even though some modern online poets, such as Kaur, do take inspiration from holy texts or verses relevant to their cultures. – Emily Deibler 4 years ago

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    This was a very enlightening article. As one who only recently watched A:TLA and Book 1 of LoK for the first time, the facts you presented make sense with regards to the differences I found between the two shows. I, for one, wanted to give LoK a chance but there were things about A:TLA that made me favour it over LoK. I also noticed you mention the popular misconception of animation as a genre rather than a medium, and I strongly believe that this is a pertinent discussion to be had. Is it something you’re working on or could it be submitted as a topic? I’d really like to see an article on that as well.

    Creator Bias

    In my opinion these “remakes” may also be seen as trying to move away from the traditionally animated versions of these stories, and striving for a more “mature” retelling via CGI. Too many adults seem to think of traditional animation as “for kids”; while CGI effects, being widely used in more mature material, TV series and films alike, are not associated with a childish audience. However, animation is a beautiful medium to work with, even strictly technically speaking: the style of the art and the fluidity of movement that can be achieved can elevate the story being told to an experience that is above and beyond the perceived mundanity of real life. In the light of this, it is sad that traditional animation is so frequently dismissed by those who don’t know better.

    Live-Action Disney Remakes and the Souring Faith in Animation

    It seems presumptuous to say it, but I saw a lot of my high-school self in Daria. I was a bespectacled, socially misfit nerd, socially awkward enough that I was perceived as cold and aloof where I really didn’t mean to be— lacking the acerbic wit though, that too the coolest thing about Daria. The fact that the show acknowledged not only Daria’s status as the “cool outsider”, but also the insecurities and dilemmas that came with it, makes a very human character out of the seemingly borderline-misanthropic Daria. And it means a lot to me, too.

    Daria and the Clichéd Representation of Teenagers

    I grew up not even knowing that gender/sexual fluidity, and the LGBT+ community, was a thing. If it weren’t for fanfiction, my understanding of LGBT+ would have been filtered through the skewed, misinformed, reviled awareness that the majority of my society possesses. Fanfiction at least helped me to adjust to this new understanding of the world, an education that I’m grateful for, for many reasons.
    Also, fanfiction isn’t subject to any of the restrictions that published popular media may face, so you get beautiful and complex stories about minorities that one wouldn’t come across in mainstream media, even in 2020.

    Fanfiction and LGBT+ Representation