
From South India with a passion for screenwriting, fantasy, supernatural fantasy, period pieces like the legend of king Arthur, and Superheroes. I enjoy the craft of writing.

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At the expense of Quality Screenwriting and what's causing it

Dustin Hoffman said it best: Movies are at their worst – and there is a reason for that. In this topic, we shall explore what those reasons are and why it continues to happen in the year 2020 in Hollywood, Bollywood and Tollywood.

  • Are there any specific 2020 releases you want to draw attention to in this topic? – Emily Deibler 5 years ago
  • I don't think I agree with Hoffman's claim. I would need to see some clear definitions (what does "worst" even mean here? worst in what ways?) and solid evidence or examples. It's easy to make a super general claim. Explaining and backing up that claim is where the work starts. – JamesBKelley 5 years ago
  • Whilst I applaud your desire to broaden readers' perspectives by considering film making outside of Hollywood, it would help your topic suggestion by providing some references and context for Hoffman's statement. Where and when did he make that statement and was there a particular film or films that caused him to comment such? How does the output of Hollywood compare to that of Bollywood, Tollywood and, for that matter, the recent interest in Korean cinema, following the success of 'Parasite?' Where, in your opinion, is Hollywood going wrong and where are non-American mainstream film makers getting it right? – Amyus 5 years ago
  • Agreed with Amyus. I would actually argue the exact opposite. Movies used to be dominated by one demographic and now are actually so diverse. Perhaps what Hoffman means is that movies are at their worst for him. – Munjeera 5 years ago
  • I'd suggest explaining a bit about the structure of basic screenwriting and based on what specifics you or anyone would consider a script to be "good" or "quality". I think Syd Field has several good books that might help – hazalse 5 years ago
  • "Movies are at their worst" that is already quite subjective to Hoffman. What defines a movie being good or bad, and if you are to compare the trends in Hollywood, Bollywood, and Tollywood (three diverse film industries) there is a lot to consider. As such, making the topic a little more focused would help. – ajaymanuel 4 years ago

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Adaptations cost little to adapt into a film, so long as the writers and the filmmaker of said film stay true to the original material while changing things around a bit to make the story better or deviate from the original story to make a successful film. There are absolutely no development costs and time spent on creating original material. I believe that is why they are an attractive and lucrative proposition to producers and filmmakers alike. But that doesn’t excuse a bad film to spring from a good or great book or fairy tale. Cinderella for instance, has been adapted so many times that I believe that the audience are either getting fed up or annoyed, or both.

The Art of Adaptation: From Book to Film

When I take a look at criticism of any film discussed on any social media platform, I find that the harsh criticism received comes from people who are simply being subjective for the sake of getting views or attention. So, I conducted an experiment: I watched the films that the critics were harshly criticize and found that these films were actually quite good. On the flip side, I also found that the films that the same critics were praising were the ones that deserve one or no star ratings. The best thing to do is to watch the film and judge it for yourself. Plain and simple.

The Lack of Nuance in Media Criticism

When it comes to the issue of the representation of the LGBT characters as the main characters, there only a few and the producers aren’t willing to put their money where their mouth is. They may claim that the are supportive of the LGBT community, but never show this with their films. The majority of filmmakers, which includes the guys I went to film school with, contradict their statements or what they say when they make films glorifying the love between a man and a woman. Some even go as far as glorifying the female form and the hetrosexual love to the Max.

Fanfiction and LGBT+ Representation