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    The Use of Color Symbolically in Film

    Following its introduction into mass media with The Wizard of Oz, color has played an important role in films, with filmmakers intentionally choosing colors to symbolize different elements in their pieces. Analyze pieces such as The Sixth Sense, which uses color to foreshadow the ending revelation, or Moulin Rogue, which uses color to symbolize the different areas of the city.

    • I think this is a really interesting topic, since it's something we don't normally take notice to right away when watching a movie. I also think it would be worth talking about how films also use complementary colors to help establish relationships between characters too. An example of this might be a couple where a man is wearing an orange tie, and the woman a blue shirt. – BlueJayy 9 years ago
    • Pleasantville (1998) also uses colour to symbolize change, as the townsfolk either have a sexual awakening or develop an interest in something that evokes a strong emotion. – YsabelGo 9 years ago
    • This topic is a great one and definitely deserves more discussion! Arguably some of the most visually striking and symbolic uses of color in film have been Stanley Kubrick's infatuation with RED. Seen throughout his films, and having a spectrum of ambiguity, Kubrick fully utilized not only the purpose of color, but the psychological effect it could have on the audience. – luminousgloom 9 years ago
    • I agree with Luminousgloom. Kubrick's movies are really complex. his movies need careful scrutiny. your topic is rich so need more time and precise information. – Elahe Almasi 9 years ago
    • This is a really great topic, one made even more interesting, I think, by the use of filters that can subtly enhance or diminish particular colors. In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, for example, the blues are unbelievably vivid, while the remaining colors are largely unchanged (a lomo like effect). Subtle, almost undetectable changes are a great way to "color" the viewer's experience without perceptually hammering an effect home. – jjmarler 9 years ago

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