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    The current cultural values across different shows

    Analyze the understanding of American cultural values in todays' shows and how they relate to the general public opinions and beliefs. Shows like "Notorious" is a perfect example where one can analyze the impact of media in our everyday lives. Gather data from the 60s shows and compare to the shows of today. Or even pick two different time periods to compare American cultural values across different genres of shows.

    • Even a selective chronology over the decades might form a useful comparison. How have views evolved? – Munjeera 8 years ago
    • Examining the evolution of representations of gender/race over time is a current issue. Comparative analysis from a cultural standpoint would be a great addition to the material here. – DanielRobertKelly 8 years ago

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    A very interesting article and I think that a lot of points mentioned in this article relates very closely to the lessons and concepts I have in my life as a female IT (Information Sciences & Technology) student at Penn State and my Women Studies and Pop Culture classes. I have read and learned a lot about how the fairytale Cinderella stories are portrayed on TV. But in reality we are living in super tech savvy world and we are career oriented young men and women that aspire to reach their academic/professional goals in life rather than belief in this illusion of a fairytale romance, not to mention a very outdated concept. I believe that we need to come out of this illusion and really focus on how girls are not just dreaming about their future life partner and there are other goals in life that are far more interesting and right on the spot with their career aspirations and other goals, and marriage is not just the only thing girls are dreaming about. I really enjoyed reading this article, especially they way it connects with what I have learned in my classes.

    Fairytales and Feminism: "I Don't Wanna be Like Cinderella"

    It is a simple yet interesting perspective on villains, and how we perceive them on the stage. It immediately draws my attention to Suicide Squad that released this year and it is interesting to see how it works in conjunction to villains in an anti-hero comic story line. I mean some of the characters mentioned in the movie like Dead Shot, Harley Quinn and Joker, Batsman to name few do somehow fit the criteria of villain, the movie shows an exact lay out of how these villains are captured and kept in this isolated sort of prison and the kind of treatment they get. This article really brings my attention to that aspect of suicide squad and the whole scenario on villains and the treatment they get along with getting caught. Interesting read.

    What Should Happen To Captured Super Villains?

    I do not personally suffer from severe anxiety or depression, but there have been times where I do see a lot of the mixture going on in my, this article is important to me. I want to see more people like myself in this context and see how things like that play out for other people the same way it plays for me. Reading such articles and information on anxiety and depression can be helpful to see how things play out for the young learners.
    Having read this article, I’m definitely going to have to check out the books mentioned during it.

    Mental Illness in YA: Rehabilitating Sick-Lit