
A student writer interested in film, Victorian literature, language, and the portrayal of gender identity in media. Horror, games, music, and anime are very important, too.

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Jane Eyre and Crimson Peak: Parallels

Guillermo Del Toro's new fantasy horror is adamant that it is influenced by Victorian and Romantic literature: part of the dialogue from Jane Eyre's famous proposal scene is even adapted for the film. How are concepts from Jane Eyre (the hidden wife, the haunted house, gender roles in relation to marriage and power) and other novels of the era paralleled in Crimson Peak? Is their inclusion effective?

  • Interesting notion. Some research into the styles and stories associated with Victorian, Romantic, and Gothic literature and how they converge in Crimson Peak would be interesting. It'd be a great way to source the images in Crimson Peak as well as help distinguish between the three movements in literature. – jwiderski 9 years ago
  • I just REALLY want to read this. I haven't actually seen Crimson Peak yet, but so far this link to Jane Eyre, and how the "gothic elements" like haunted houses or spirits relate to the character development, would actually make this scaredy-cat see it. – thekellyfornian 9 years ago
  • I like this topic a lot. Interesting, especially since the actor who played Edith also played Jane Eyre. I can see parallels between Tom/Rochester and Lucille/Bertha, as well as Jane and Edith both being orphans. After watching the film on Halloween, I always thought the film would be a loose adaptation of The Fall of the House of Usher if the mansion collapsed in the end. I have actually considered writing about gender in Crimson Peak--the strengths and weaknesses, and the details right down to the costume choices. – Emily Deibler 9 years ago
  • Looooooove thissssss! And the exploration of gothic/romantic/horrific in general. – Jaye Freeland 9 years ago
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this. The book, Jane Eyre, clearly has themes of horror due to its gothic story telling. I think Crimson Peak resembles Jane Eyre is largely due to the deary and haunting setting. – jarvisholt 9 years ago

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Ah, yes! I am currently reading and analyzing Jane Eyre for a Literary Studies class. I really appreciate the perspective of holding room for ambiguity: you can be feminist but still do things that other people claim don’t adhere to the strict “rules” of feminism, for example. I think that leaving room for grey, in analysis and real life, is important.

On the topic of equality, when you say that “Bronte makes it clear that Jane and Rochester’s union is based on equality and a spiritual connection,” I wonder: was it always an equal relationship? Was it only made equal after Rochester lost some of his physical faculties and his property, and Jane gained some wealth of her own? What might be the significance of this – that perhaps they were not equal at the beginning of their relationship, but that Jane chooses him when she feels that they are at last on the same footing? (Maybe that could be interpreted as the ultimate feminist choice!) I don’t really have an answer, but these were some things my class was discussing today, mixed with my own feelings, that came to mind. Lots of thoughts! Thanks for a great perspective!

Analyzing Jane Eyre as a Contemporary "Bad Feminist"

I hadn’t thought about how the “consumption” of committing in mass murders (and literally consuming the victims’ brains) parallels consumption in a capitalist society, a lifestyle that Ellis is satirizing here. Really interesting! The self-loathing of Bateman was something else that hadn’t really caught my attention until this article. I will have to consider these things the next time I watch the movie.

American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

The interpretation of someone becoming a hero or villain in response to pain is really powerful. I wonder if, in the future, there will be more moral ambiguity in heroes and villains in comic books; people who have a negative reaction to that pain, but who are not totally “evil.” Good point about the danger of extreme views for the sake of what is “good,” too.

Moral Truths Within 'The Killing Joke': Tragedy and Choice