Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor I
Talking Dead and Therapeutic Fan Discourse for Walking Dead FansAnalyze the emergence of therapeutic discussions of violence, tragedy and character killing in the Walking Dead spin-off called Talking Dead. |
A Hidden Racism in American Horror Story: Roanoke | |
![]() Maternity and horror have a long history in film and literature, and you’ve very skillfully unpacked some of most evocative of late. What’s your view of Mama and the mother figures who compete to care for the children? I also think you’re observations about motherhood and sexuality/sexual desire are important to the exploration of what makes a mother “horrible.” So glad you introduced Lacanian theory into your discussion, too. | Maternal Horror Films: Understanding the 'Dysfunctional' Mother |
![]() This is a favorite film of mine, so I have a soft spot for it. Hildy in the film is able to hold her own in terms of the repartee with Walter. That’s where her command of language seems to establish her credentials as a journalist, that is, someone who as a “voice” and the ability to engage the most powerful man in the business. Thanks for bringing in the actual historical record into this piece. | His Girl Friday and the Agency of Women Journalists in Hollywood |
As a North Carolina native and a student of Native American history, the Lost Colony mythology has been with me since childhood and into my academic studies. I am fascinated by this latest retelling of the LC story, and I think Lee Miller, in reality, tried to piece together the conspiracy that she argues was behind the LC and the whole colonization and empire-building venture from Europe. It would be illuminating to hear from the showrunners, writers and actors what they make of your thesis.