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    Batman and Spiderman: Do we need more iterations of them, or should we have new superheroes on screen?

    There are probably thousands of comic books, with hundreds of heroes and villains. Surely, getting new iterations of Spiderman and Batman for the third time (for Spiderman, the third time in the last two decades, the last one being in 2014) isn't really necessary nor is it pushing the boundaries to new ideas. Why are we getting new iterations? Is it because the general population will only pay to see superheroes they know? But with the increasing superhero overdose, wouldn't studios make more money if there were new superheroes with new villains and new powers being put on the big screen?

    • I would be careful of the use of the word "remakes" because if you look at Christian Bale's Batman vs. Ben Afleck's Batman, the characters have distinct differences between them, with different stories and elements highlighted. In this case, I feel that the word remakes might not be the best fit. Maybe "new iterations" would be more appropriate for what you are discussing. The topic is very interesting and relevant overall! – SeanGadus 8 years ago
    • Good point, but check the wording in the second sentence. More specifically 'necessary of interesting'. I'm not sure what you were going for, but I feel like you can word that part better. Other than that, you are good to go. – MikeySheff 8 years ago
    • I think Batman especially represents a lot of interesting aspects of the human subconscious, which is possibly why he is so enduringly popular, but I do think that with nearly 100 years of mythos in Batman, the filmmakers could do more to integrate the entirety of the comics. For instance, the only Batgirl we've gotten was in the terrible Clooney movie, which is not at all representative of Barbara Gordon. We haven't seen anything of Jason Todd, a hint of Nightwing at the end of Dark Knight Rises, but there's so much more to Batman than just Batman, and I think that's being really underutilized. – rmwalker 8 years ago

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    This is a fantastic article – I completely agree with all that you’ve said. I think music can make or break a scene and the talent that is required to work in the music part of film is huge. I often listen to movie soundtracks, just because they are so good and almost all of my favorite emotional scenes in movies have songs that completely move me. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Titanic and The Perks of Being a Wallflower are all some of my favorite movies, and the music that accompanies them triggers an emotional response in me the moment I hear it. I really liked your examples Guardians of the Galaxy and Pan, and how using specific music adds to a scene and draws an audience in. Pulp Fiction’s dancing scene is a great example of that, and I think that is what is so special about music – it doesn’t have to be original to have an impact or connect to a scene. The opening of Trainspotting and the torture scene of Reservoir Dogs are both great examples of this working too. It would also be really interesting to discuss the music in movie musicals, as there it really creates the tone and feeling of the whole film. I loved how you were able to articulate exactly what creates the magic of music and how it can forever be associated with a film.

    The Importance of Scoring in Films

    This was incredibly well articulated, and is a very important issue that should be addressed. I loved Gone Girl, for many of the reasons you pointed out – it’s story was wildly surprising, the acting completely represented the instability of the two characters, and the film was shot beautifully. It is a shame that such a film is slightly dampened by the reaction of a few individuals, but I think it is fantastic that you drew attention to it and reminded us all this film (and films in general) do not represent all people. Not all women can be compared to one character, just like all men cannot be compared either. It is also interesting to note that no men were compared to the character of Nick, despite the fact that he agreed to remain with Amy, despite all that had happened. I think you did a great job of highlighting that both of these people are exaggerated versions of “normal” people, and do not represent the audience as a whole. I personally loved this film, but regardless of your opinions on the film itself, it is unfair to stereotype all women as crazy or psychotic. I really enjoyed reading your article and all of your thoughts on such an important issue, so thank you for drawing attention to it.

    What The Audience Got Wrong About "Gone Girl"

    I really enjoyed reading your article. You brought up some things that I had never thought about, as well as reminding me of some that should constantly be reiterated. The description of the ideal woman that girls must look like to attract a prince was especially important in my opinion, and I believe, should be discussed more. Similarly, your mentions of research into Disney princesses and their effects on girls’ self esteem is especially interesting to me, and reminds me very much of the effects of Barbies. These fictional role models show young girls that they should want the ideal body and face, which is nearly always impossible to achieve and is not needed to feel beautiful (and in Barbie’s case, actually is biologically impossible).

    Another of your suggestions was that of Cinderella waiting for the right moment to rebel from her stepmother, which is a very interesting thought that I had never considered. Though it is definitely a compelling idea, I am not sure it is completely believable that she was merely waiting to break free, but was simply just staying because of her grace, kindness and good nature. Regardless of my opinion as to whether it is actually who her character is, it is definitely an idea with merit and it is definitely something I had never thought of before.

    Overall, I thought your article was very thought provoking and I enjoyed reading it immensely. I also think some of the more recent Disney movies have started introducing better stories and stronger characters (like Tiana in The Princess and the Frog who works for what she gets in the end and does not wait for it to be handed to her, Elsa in Frozen who does not end up getting married at all, and Mulan who not only saves China, but who also does not end up married by the end of her first movie). I hope this indicates a change from the classic Disney stories and a movement away from all that you have rightly suggested is wrong with these princesses.

    Fairytales and Feminism: "I Don't Wanna be Like Cinderella"