

I'm Kimberly — journalist from a small, unheard of town. I love in-depth discussion about music, film and Televsion (though everyone claims to not watch TV anymore).

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Current Rock Music Described By Someone 10 Years From Now

Every decade has a definitive sound when it comes to rock music. The 80s were the perfect time for leather-clad egomaniacs to express themselves through fast-paced rock and the occasional power ballad. The 90s belonged to brooding, flannel-wearing "dudes," expressing their angst through distorted guitar-driven lamentations. Even the 2000s had a special sound, even if it was commercial alt-rock. With so many of today's bands striving for a different sound, how will people look back ten years from now and describe rock music from 2010- present day?

  • What is your definition of "rock?" The genre is so large nowadays, that it is difficult to conceptualize the style you are referring to if just "rock" is used. – WilliamWay 9 years ago
  • This is a very interesting article as I do agree that the view of music and music genre has changed greatly over the years. Maybe even throwing in some quotes about rock from the aspect of musicians. If I remember correctly it was one of the band members of KISS that even considered for rock to be "dead." – Kevin Mohammed 9 years ago

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I think it works for Harry Potter because you can add much more of the source material, which is something Potterheads have been complaining about. However, this doesn’t work for most series’ as exhibited by Twilight.

Multi-Part Films in Hollywood: When Profits Matter More than Storytelling

Because of the popularity of Colbert and Stewart, I feel big name news outlets are changing their format to editorializing everything which is a problem because by exercising bias, it detracts from the viewers abilities to decide for themselves. At least with The Daily Show and other programs alike, is that the hosts don’t pretend like they are feeding you objectivity and because they are honest about it, it makes them more lovable and human.

Real or Reel? The Complicated Personas of Political Comedians

Reading this article reminds me off all the times I’ve gone to Wal-Mart. I go there for the cheap stuff but it’s so drab and depressing and I know it goes deeper than the scuffed floors and unflattering light. This is such an interesting piece because not only is it relatable, the writer exercises excellent use of comparing and contrasting.

Tears Spilled in Aisle Six: The Supermarket as a Conformist Hell