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    The horrors of religious judgement in Hellbound

    Recently finished watching Hellbound and think an article exploring its premise would be insightful. It really delivered that idea of 'god-fearing' in a new and inventive way. It is a phrase you hear a lot in a historical context and can sometimes lose a lot of impact due to this. By the end of the first series of Hellbound, you understand that fate rests with a supernatural force, the logic of which is completely hidden from humankind, and by their standards is completely wrong and unpredictable. Unexplained phenomena is a great hook, and by tying it to the idea of religious judgement, the show did a great job of making it seem like a realistic situation. A potential writer could explore the series, with reference to older artwork and literature that displays that same notion of 'god-fearing' (Left Behind by Tim LaHaye and Barry B. Jenkins is a book, though I didn't think it was very good and older, more classical examples may be more effective)

    • Great start. I'd just revise it so the topic is a bit clearer and not stated in first person. – Stephanie M. 3 years ago

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    I’ve been making my way NGE over the last year or so, and its premise and abstract nature have been so dazzling it has been hard to notice the references you’ve clearly stated, so thank you for that. It really is incredible to think that a great deal of art, in many ways, acts to soothe and fully understand the damage done by war and destruction. Anime is incredible in that sense, as when first encountering it (Dragon Ball Z when I was younger) I grew up thinking it was just an insane, detached fantasy world. As I watch more and more of it, I understand how deeply it is tied to the plight of Japan, and mankind in general.

    The Legacies of the Atomic Bomb in Anime

    The film almost takes place in a fantasy land, or as you put it, in Ford’s emerald-tinted imagining of Ireland. What really is imagined is a beautiful land through which a violent man can stride proudly and claim anything as his own.

    For me, it showed me a great deal about the American hero. When the conflict is stripped away and the guns put down, that really all John Wayne was portraying was a brutish bully. O’Hara’s performance is very memorable, and is a testament to her acting abilities, but you’re right. The context of women’s treatment in Ireland causes any positive feelings about the film to shrivel into nothing.

    The Quiet Man: A Classic with a Lot to Say

    I think another reason for the proliferation of dystopia in literature is the unachievable and drab prospect of a perfect world. If a world is perfect, there is not much of a story to be told (unless as you wrote, it is a journey toward a utopia only reached at the end). The only story one can really plot out in a utopia is one where a perfect world is revealed to not be so perfect. But this article did reinforce that quite funny idea that we only want to read about bad stuff. If it is good, we find it boring!

    Why Is Utopian Literature Less Popular Than Dystopian Literature?