Kacey Martin

I am a postgrad, majoring in Sociology and Cultural Studies. I am particularly interested in exploring social and cultural themes in popular culture.

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A Bug's Life and Social/Political Theory

A friend suggested to me the other day that A Bug's Life was essentially a film about a Marxist revolution. I am not well-read in Marx but I can see some similarities, however, the grasshoppers didn't own any means of production – they merely used their power and threats of harm to force the ants to produce for them. I thought it was an interesting idea though – and thought it would be a cool idea to analyse the film through the lens of some classical social theory or liken it to a certain political/social structure.

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    I do not re-read often but re-read the books I truly love. I am, however, an avid movie re-watcher. I think a lot of these same pro’s and con’s can be applied to movie re-watching as well.

    Why Reread Books? The Pros and Cons of Rereading

    Awesome article! I agree that video games should be taken more seriously as a literary text. I still read a lot, but I am more likely to read non-fiction nowadays, getting my fix of fiction in video games and movies. It would be interesting to see in schools. It would also be interesting to see if games could be utilised to be educational in curriculum. I understand educational games already exist, but they’re quite basic games that don’t have much to them. Imagine a game set in World War II that a student could play for homework, that took them into the horrors while allowing them to understand the contexts and events more actively. There is so much potential.

    Are Video Games Worth Studying? (A Literary Perspective)

    I was wanting to write an article on this topic but you beat me to it. This is really insightful and interesting.

    I was happy to see you discuss the significance of outcomes and consequences regarding our moral choices. When our choices matter, as in, when they have an impact, they become a lot more significant and they validate the agency we seek to feel we have. We crave constant reassurance that we have control over our lives and destinies. This is why we are disappointed in games that don’t provide that reassurance.

    I think it does trigger an interesting existential question about personal agency and lack of control in our real lives.

    Video Games and Morality: The Question of Choice