Jeffrey Toney

Jeffrey Toney

Dr. Toney is an educator and a scientist dedicated to human rights and sustainability serving as the Provost and VPAA at Kean University. Opinions are his own.

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Flash and Microfiction

For writers who enjoy the challenge of writing flash or microfiction. Why do you enjoy it? Which format do you prefer? Hemingway's six-word stories? 100 word stories? Flash fiction format?

  • This is a very interesting and relevant topic to fictional writing, but I think I would steer away from questions that would prompt the writer to write in the first person such as "Why do you enjoy it?" because it may give the article a strong "blog" vibe. – Opaline 8 years ago
  • I like this topic but I'm not sure that it has enough of a focus. Rather than writing generally about flash and microfiction, perhaps you could limit the topic to the rise of flash and microfiction in the literary scene or its ability to influence media due to its condensed capacity and a growing impatience for longer works due to the rise of social media. – luciahmiller 8 years ago
  • I agree with luciahmiller; this is an interesting topic since flash fiction is growing within the writing commuinty, but I think it would be more focused, like luciahmiller says, if you focus on a specific part about flash fiction. – seouljustice 8 years ago

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Latest Comments

Jeffrey Toney

Good article. Attention to detail is so important. Writing errors and a general lack of reflection are side effects of instant gratification from a torrent of information. Readers are taking sips from fire hoses, 24 hrs a day, seven days a week. I would be happy to join the community of Editors. I serve on Editorial Boards of several peer-reviewed scientific journals, and write fiction as well.

Where Did All the Editors Go?
Jeffrey Toney

Agreed! I write best when my mind is empty.

Using Zen Philosophy to Improve Creativity and Overcome Writer’s Block
Jeffrey Toney

Learning from our failures is the key to becoming successful!

How Dark Souls Teaches Us to Accept Failure
Jeffrey Toney

Well said. Like any art, writing can be taught through continuous practice and revision.

Can you Teach Someone how to Become a Writer?