
College student at the University of Utah. Follow my twitter @SkycanSquad

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How has the Show Survivor Been Able to Maintain Popularity

It was the Summer of 2000 when Survivor first premiered, CBS took a chance with this series and boy did it pay off. It was the most watched show in 2001, and to this day still wins its time slot. While it has obviously lost many of its viewers over the year, it is undeniably a standout series that pioneered a new genre of television: reality TV.

  • People who are loyal fans know the game by now. They play along in their own way and use the show as a platform for discussion and strong opinion. Even though they put a twist on the show every season their is still the same old politics the human race seems to always play. – LaurenCarr 10 years ago
  • It would be interesting to examine as well why the show is so popular, with such a loyal fan-base, but little love from award shows. – bookworm2g9 10 years ago
  • It might be useful to survey the current landscape of reality TV - what's popular now? What does Survivor's popularity tell us about viewers in the early 2000s, and what do the major reality shows of the past few years tell us about viewers today? – sambertschmann 10 years ago
  • It would also be interesting to note how much longer Survivor can, in fact, survive (pun unfortunately cannot be avoided). As it was said, how is the landscape of reality tv different today? Can Survivor adapt in this current climate and keep its success going, or is it destined to fall and make room for the next big thing? – Giovanni Insignares 10 years ago

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Many people have tackled the question of why Tolkien chose hobbits to be the creature that ended up saving the day. My personal belief is that he chose hobbits to illustrate the idea that no matter how small or insignificant you feel in the world, you can make a difference. Sure, you may need help along the way, like Frodo needed, but he was still responsible for destroying the ring. He was the most unlikely of heroes, and yet he succeeded. The inspirational story highlights the fact that if you set your mind to something, you are capable of accomplishing it.

Hobbits: Tolkien's Unlikely Heroes

I am a huge fan of Agents of Shield, and a major reason for that is the diverse group that works together every episode to achieve a common goal. Heroes are no longer exclusively big, muscular men, and Agents of Shield really highlights that fact. They show that Fitz and Simmons are an integral part of the team, and that the team can’t succeed without them. I think it is a great piece of social commentary because society is beginning to appreciate the intellectuals more, and Agents of SHIELD is just a reflection of that.

The New Hero: Brains of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As a fellow Hunger Games, I agree with you on almost everything. Like you said, many movie-goers that saw Mockingjay Part I were disappointed, but as a reader I understand that the book was that way. I still don’t think that the movie should’ve been split into two parts, and that was just a ploy to make more money, but nonetheless the movie did a great job capturing the themes of the first half of Mockingjay. If the producers had made it into one movie, then perhaps it would be more appealing to the general audience, as we both know the second half of Mockinjay is action-packed.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (2014) Review: A Beautiful Psychological Character Exploration