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    Harry Potter Ramifications

    The Harry Potter Generation is still as enthralled with the series as they ever were. With many moral messages included in the book, could you make the argument that they really taught their readers something? Consider the backlash when "The Cursed Child" cast a black actress to play Hermione. Can any connections be made between Death Eaters and Extremist Right-Wing political groups? Are there links between the Harry Potter Generation and the left-leaning Millennial generation?

    • This is a very interesting topic, and one that seems especially big in its scope. It might prove to be quite difficult to show the connections between "Harry Potter" and the political attitudes of the majority of its readers. I'm not sure whether you could find any surveys related to such, but this would certainly require a lot of background research. In addition to finding research to support your claims, you would have to point to the presence of such ideas within the literature itself. Another thing to consider would be whether "Harry Potter" had a hand in creating the progressive generation or whether its success was merely symptomatic of the generation's already-present political attitudes. – Farrow 9 years ago
    • I wonder if J.K. Rowling would even answer something like that on Twitter. It would certainly be an intriguing question to ask. Maybe it would help the writer of this topic to look at her life and education and try to connect not just the plot and characters to our life, but her life, as well. – Jaye Freeland 9 years ago
    • There's many topic possibilites here. Focusing on the Harry Potter Generation could be a good foundation. As far as paralleling or contrasting it with the left-leaning Millennial generation, consider at least 3 specific topics or points to express the ramifications. Examples could include faithfulness in friendships, culture of British teens in HP and those of America, forced vs. independent interest in school (using Hermoine's passion, or Harry's interest in potion from "Half Blood Prince" or even Lovegood and the dead), civil rights interests, sacrifice, etc.) The examples are endless. – margorose 9 years ago
    • I think Rowling said at one point some comparison between Death Eaters and Nazis, so maybe pointing to that may help the point when going for moral compass of Harry Potter. – SpectreWriter 9 years ago
    • Can you be more specific about what generation is the "Harry Potter generation"? Do you mean the first generation that grew up with the books? (as an example - someone who was around HP's age when the books were published would be people in their early 30s now?) – Katheryn 9 years ago

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    While I agree that these definitions given to women should be addressed, I think this article inadvertently does the same thing to women that society does to beauty standards. It still placed all women into a category, held up makeup to an unreasonable standard, and largely failed to give women credit for being able to choose whatever they want to do with makeup. I think the discussion should be not “what should we think of makeup” and more “why does this matter?” What makes young women think they way they do about makeup, and what can we do, together, to improve self-image.

    The Feminist Makeup Culture: Reconsidering Cosmetics

    I agree with many of the comments that telling jokes doesn’t lead to a logical conclusion that they are any less serious about the facts. I disagree that shows like these steer away from “sad” stories; often this is where these stories get a well-deserving amount of coverage. I also have trouble with the assumption that “real” news sources are unbiased. They are incredibly biased towards stories featuring violence, crime, and suffering, because these are the stories that drive up viewership. The fact that The Daily Show and others have found a way to present these stories with a degree of humor is admirable.

    Real or Reel? The Complicated Personas of Political Comedians

    I think the question itself is problematic. The same fear that writers and readers had in the Victorian era regarding the novel as “low art” is the same fear that writers and readers have now of other types of writing. The expansion of other forms of writing, or sub-genres of the novel does not cheapen the novel.
    Literary critics did the same thing during the 1970s and 80s. They felt threatened when theory (feminist, formalist, etc) began to be applied to other forms of art they deemed unworthy. But, critically thinking about how theory can be applied to pop culture, soap operas, music, etc does not mean that it lowers the art forms traditionally privileged.
    The evaluation of art is a worthy endeavor, not simply the art itself. The critical thought and reflection should be held up as important and meaningful, the evaluation is the goal, not the classification of writing.

    Is the Novel Dead?