
I am an English Major and Studio Art Minor about to enter my senior year. I love to browse art, listen to music, read, and am fond of retro fashion. I also play the violin.

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    Is Disney Running Out of Ideas with their Live Action Remakes?

    Over the past several years Disney has churned out Live Action remakes of many of their beloved animated films. Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, and most recently The Jungle Book and Pete's Dragon have all been rebooted/remade. Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Dumbo,The Sword in the Stone and Winnie the Pooh are being remade as we speak or will be in the future. Even an Aladdin Prequel is in the works. Does this slew of live action/future live action films show that Disney is running out of ideas? Would it make more sense to remake/reboot some of their films more than others (such as their lesser known animated films)? Also include how Disney compares to Pixar (which is part of their company), and other animation studios today, and to other companies in general in terms of creativity.

    • I believe it's less so a case of "running out of ideas" than it is "easy money." Familiarity has been one of Disney's most valuable resources since the very beginning, making it require less effort to market recognizably-titled classics with preexisting positive intertextual connotations. Pair that with the less effort required in writer's room, and you arrive at a cost effective formula for successful filmmaking and distribution. As the animated Disney films from the past decade have indicated, there is currently no lack of original and/or previously unused content to be made. – ProtoCanon 9 years ago
    • I saw a video where the creators said that they wanted to redo a lot of the old cartoons because the "technology is better." That "people want to see it all come to life." Something to think about. – Jaye Freeland 9 years ago
    • I do agree with ProtoCanon's "easy money," comment, but I also think it's a move of trying to stay relevant. Those movies mentioned are outdated and do not really have an audience to speak to any longer. Even when trying to show the films to your children, kids do not respond to the films, no matter how good the story telling may be, due to their having grown accustomed to the graphics of today. Disney is basically attempting to reboot its brand. – danielle577 9 years ago
    • Jaye Freeland, excellent point. Music's the same way. The accurate protestations of Neil Young and Bob Dylan, etc., aside, the "cleanness" of digital recording technology is a boon. If they could clean up Vocalion Records' catalogue - which recorded less lucrative "race records" on bowling ball-quality vinyl - I'd be happy. – Tigey 9 years ago
    • Isn't that the entire point of a re-make? – Christen Mandracchia 9 years ago

    How Has the American Film Rating System Changed Over the Years?

    Analyze how much the ratings system for films have changed throughout the years, such as why was The Secret of NIMH rated G in the '80s when it is a kids' film with gritty imagery, violence, and intense themes? Why was the film Blazing Saddles rated R in the '70s when it really isn't as raunchy as most R rated movies today? What ratings would these movies (and other older films that don't seem to deserve the ratings they got upon release) would get if they were released today? Overall, how have film ratings in the U.S. changed since they were established? Do you think they should be updated again, or revert to how they were in past decades?

    • I am sure one can find studies on this made by professionals who have the tools and training and specially the knowledge and authority to address this problems. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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    I don’t think actual TVs will become obsolete anytime soon, because a lot of people still do connect their computers to access Netflix, Youtube, etc. on their TVs.

    Online VS On TV: Is Cable Becoming Obsolete?

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Online VS On TV: Is Cable Becoming Obsolete?

    That’s stupid that you have to pay for a service you are not even using. Hopefully soon you’ll have another place where you only have to pay for the streaming services you use. And it’s like I mentioned in the article that a flaw of streaming is that not all sites offer all shows that are on traditional TV.

    Online VS On TV: Is Cable Becoming Obsolete?

    It’s true that most Americans want a limited access to movies and shows fast, and it would also be interesting to know how streaming services have affected us worldwide, not just America. That is definitely something to keep in mind if I were to do this article again.

    Online VS On TV: Is Cable Becoming Obsolete?

    That is definitely a downside when it comes to streaming. Certain cable shows may not be featured on sites for streaming.

    Online VS On TV: Is Cable Becoming Obsolete?

    I’d say you made the right choice too. Cable also doesn’t seem to be worth getting now as opposed to 15-20 years ago partly because there just doesn’t seem to be as many good programs as there were then.

    Online VS On TV: Is Cable Becoming Obsolete?

    This is a very useful article. I have been struggling all summer to find motivation and ideas for writing, and to stay focused. These are very good tips and I plan to come back to this article a lot. Thanks so much!

    A Writer's Essential Steps to Staying Motivated

    I agree that it’s important for horror stories, films, etc. to be suspenseful. It makes them all the more frightening and sucks in the reader/viewer.

    Vague Horror: The Scariest Kind of Horror