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    Smiley vs 007: Could they work together?

    How would George Smiley (of John le Carre) and James Bond (Ian Flemming) work together? Both are anti-heroes and have love for their country (or do they?) but could they see eye-to-eye? How might their live styles conflict and would they be able to take orders from one another? le Carre has spoken about Bond and Smiley but do you think there's a deeper connection? I think an article on the two would bring some answers to this question plus expose some of the deeper character traits these two have.

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      Fascinating article! I am just starting to read read Fitzgerald’s works for the first time and now I think I’ll have to pair them with West. It’s interesting to read about these amazing writers that sit on such high pedestals now having to stoop low (or I should say west) to make a living. I’m really interested in the lives they lead in Hollywood. This was a great read.

      Sunshine, Celluloid, and Shantytowns: The Hollywood Novel and The Great Depression

      I’ve always had problems accepting that reality TV is legitimate TV. It just always seems fake and caters more towards what sells instead of story. Which is why I agree with quality over quantity. I hope that with these new media outlets and production companies more diverse work will come out. This article was wonderful, great work!

      Transgender Characters on Television: Quality vs. Quantity

      Horror vs terror is something I never think about. I have always used the two interchangeably. I’m fascinated with some of the opinions on both, specifically Radcliffe’s. The way terror is established makes me believe that terror is not necessarily “scary.” I think that is a trap that many audiences fall in to when they hear the two terms. I think it becomes a reaction to the situation and is more engaging. A characters life experience may not be grotesque but it might really shake the psyche of the audience. We don’t often want to engage with blood and gore and slashers. Radcliffe uses the word “freeze” when describing horror and that couldn’t be any more accurate.

      I’m curious about what writers think when they tackle a project that may fall into this genre? Whichever medium and however the story is told. I’m also curious to know if horror sells more than terror? If we go off of the definitions listed in the essay, horror seems like something this current society would lick the clean off the plate. (Threw in a little horror myself, I think?)

      I really enjoyed this essay! Thank you!

      The Marquis de Sade and Literary Terror