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    How does the popularity of a movie change based on the attractiveness of the main characters?

    A deeper look into different cultures' perception of beauty and how they can affect one's inclination to watch a movie or film

    • The article resulting from this would be compelling if it succeeded in saying anything other than "films with more attractive actors are also more popular." – IsidoreIsou 8 years ago
    • Are there any films where more grotesque main characters actually make the film more appealing and thus more popular? Will there be a distinction between the actor's beauty and that of the character? Will the article resulting from this prompt consider exploring non-physical components of attractiveness and beauty? – IsidoreIsou 8 years ago
    • What about frankenstein? Does that count? – dandeliaon 8 years ago
    • Really interesting idea for an article. I would say that its kind of a difficult topic because its hard to really "prove" anything definitely in terms of popularity due to beauty. But the idea is very provocative and I think that looking at beauty and how it plays a role in cinema - esp modern cinema - is a really great idea. Maybe focus less on the popularity and more on just the role beauty plays. – SDale42 8 years ago
    • This is a really cool idea but I think you have to be careful because you could end up going down a rabbit hole of ideas that branch off of this one; such as beauty standards in America, beauty standards in media, etc. I think also it's important to have a thesis with this, like should we not see movies because the leads are attractive? What is the point of writing this? – hannahb 8 years ago

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    i really loved this article! such an intriguing topic. could a lack of social life in the real world also contribute to more emotional attachment to characters?

    Emotionally Investing in Games and Their Characters

    wow! this is a very interesting article — very necessary in this world so obsessed with pop music

    Folk Music: A Timeless Genre

    very interesting! it still shocks me for how long Elsa lived in isolation. how is this any consolation to young women in our society? are they supposed to accept their weaknesses and run away from their problems?

    A Look at 'Zootopia': How Its Heroine Plays in the Field of Fellow Disney Women