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    Women's language in Mrs Dalloway

    Virginia Woolf was a declared feminist, although critics find it a struggle to claim her works for feminism. Her writing style—the multiplicity of perspectives and her stream of consciousness technique—were argued to be presenting a “denial of authentic states of mind, namely the ‘angry and alienated ones’” (Elaine Showalter). Woolf has also been accused of simply subscribing to the “separation of politics and art” because she refuses to “describe her own experience,” instead always relying on shifting points of view (Moi 3). However, it may be possible to reclaim Woolf's works for feminism by reevaluating these same aspects of her work. Is she demonstrating a new way to grapple with language to suit the needs of the woman in the modern age?

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      Latest Comments

      This is depressing, but enlightening as well. I was reminded of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. Whatever the age, it’s a struggle for women writers.

      The Monsters We Marry—The Weight of Percy Shelley On His Wife, Mary

      Came across this while researching for a literature requirement. I was reading Fullmetal Alchemist against Frankenstein, and I found it interesting how both works show the glory of mankind’s achievements AND the possible destructive potential of these same accomplishments. You put a name to what I was thinking about: the sublime. Thank you! This has been very insightful. 🙂

      The Sublime's Effects in Gothic Fiction

      I found the ending very interesting: it’s reminiscent of T.S. Eliot’s insistence on the ‘impersonality’ of the poet–that this poet is merely a receptacle to facilitate a fusion of thoughts and feelings to distill into poetry.

      Fahrenheit 451: What’s In a Tale?