Morgan Dancy

Morgan Dancy

English instructor, book lover, fitness enthusiast.

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    Repositioning the Other

    How have contemporary writers repositioned the term “Otherness” in literature? In Toni Morrison’s article “The Color Fetish,” she describes how modernists like William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway employed colorism and racial stereotypes when writing their characters. How do contemporary black writers portray their characters, as celebrating the “Other” and perhaps manipulating the Jim Crow caricatures. Consider, for example, Octavia Butler’s characters in the novel Kindred, Toni Morrison's characters in her short story Recitatif, and many others.

    • Would really like to read this. Susan Willis's Specifying and Bell Hooks, Black looks are brilliant source material for an article like this. Highly Recommend 😬 – Lousands 4 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Morgan Dancy

    Seriously in-depth article! I’m struck by the line, “By stealing her reproductive organs, the writers harm Scully’s personhood even more so…” That is a powerful statement.

    The X-Files: A Feminist’s Analysis of Gender Imbalance
    Morgan Dancy

    Absolutely enchanting article! I love the description of all the natural elements used to create the Madhubani paintings.

    Indian Folk-art: An Expression of Cultural Diversity
    Morgan Dancy

    I especially love your use of Grau’s article. It’s one of my favorites! He makes interesting comments about how philosophers would perceive memory erasure. Utilitarians would suggest that the procedure is morally justified if it brings about the most happiness, while other philosophers would probably see the procedure as a limitation of personal freedom (Kant) or the removal of our ability to examine the truth of our reality (Murdoch).
    Nozick’s thought experiments identify the happiness vs. experience dilemma you mention in your insightful article. Most of us want a meaningful life, rather than a life devoid of pain.

    The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Memory and Association
    Morgan Dancy

    I actually use your article in my Composition classes. My students write an essay analyzing song lyrics that speak to social justice issues. We start with a visual analysis of this video, and it’s a fun discussion to jumpstart their thinking.

    This is America: Exploring Lyrical and Visual Symbolism
    Morgan Dancy

    Thank you for this article! I’m reading the article years after you published it; however, it’s still a relevant read even during the pandemic. I’m in quarantine with my family (and have been for more than a month now), and it’s so tough to pull myself away from my domestic duties these days, just sit at my desk, and write. I’ve decided to wake up in the morning before my family rises, so I can spend that time writing without distraction or guilt.

    Creating a Writing Habit that Works: Muses, Magic and Faith