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    Black Mirror the New Modern Day Paranoia

    Analyze the Netflix series Black Mirror by focusing in on the technological and communicative issues each episode reveals, with technology advancing so rapidly how could these events predict the future? Why do these things seem to make sense in the real world? How could it cause paranoia for the future of technology?

    • I think it might be productive to zone in on a few select episodes and show how they each deal with paranoia. Part of Black Mirror is having disconnected stories, which makes analysing it as a whole difficult. – LondonFog 8 years ago
    • Defining what paranoia means is crucial in this case. Is it paranoia as in a mental disorder? Temporary issue due to stress factors? Maybe it's Dali's Paranoiac-critical method? Applying Dali's method might actually pair really well with the disjointed, surreal nature of Black Mirror. – mazzamura 8 years ago
    • I recently got into Black Mirror and the symbolism of technology and humanity in this series is endless and beyond interesting! I would expand "paranoia" to multiple themes/symbols – SandraHov 8 years ago

    Presidential Speeches & Success

    Analyze any presidential speech from a current nominee or former president. What made their speech successful and what could they of done better? Review their rhetoric and how it is relevant to the situation. What is being said, who are is the speaker's audience and what is their purpose? Are there specific events that have caused this speech? (Ex; Bush 9/11 Speech or Eisenhower's Little Rock Speech) use specific evidence to back up your claim with reasoning.

    • Lloyd Bitzer's "Rhetorical Situation" could be a useful reference for someone doing this kind of analysis. – Matt Sautman 8 years ago

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    I reread books often! I find rereading books expands the mind. It allows me to experience something different each time. That’s the best part about books is being able to get something different out of them each time. Some things catch my eye one time but something opposite next time!

    Why Reread Books? The Pros and Cons of Rereading

    I follow each of these concepts when doing my writing but sometimes I do them out of order making things a little chaotic for myself. This is my organization, though, depending on what I’m writing I also just start writing whatever comes to mind regardless if it makes sense or is relevant. Making sure to have the timing or your writing be on track and consistent can make things easier and one may produce a more productive piece of work. Reviewing you’re writing before continuing where you left off can help spark new thoughts, ideas and correct any errors you may have missed the first time.

    A Writer's Essential Steps to Staying Motivated

    I have personally studied and written about the movie Her! I find this to be a very unique and new idea of modern relationships because of how technologically advanced our society has become. The argument around this movie is if his relationship with Samantha is actually considered to be a relationship. For a relationship to be built a person self-identity and social identity. Is it possible that a computer can have its own self-identity or is it all pre-built in?

    Meditations of Modern Relationships in Film

    Everyone is their own unique writer in my belief. Just as no two people are alike no two writers are alike regardless of what they are writing about. This can become a very deep and debatable topic. When it comes to teaching someone to write that can become difficult. Giving techniques and tips to improve writing is possible but the actual task of teaching someone may construe one’s ability to express and make their writing their own.

    Can you Teach Someone how to Become a Writer?