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    Latin American Science Fiction

    With science fiction being popular enough in the American media to have it's own channel on most cable/HD tv services, it's become quite the commodity, but a lot of this science fiction is based around America or European powers, with a few exceptions, but there is actually a rich history of using science fiction to depict political unrest and situations under dictators and during war. I'd just like to throw out a list with some interesting stories with their summaries and maybe a bit of analysis.

    • Not only one can find such lists and analyses in articles, but also in books and compilations, many available for free online. Although it may look like Latin American fiction is an unexplored field or a diluted copy of Western science fiction, it has been largely explored and there are many people studying the topic. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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    I really liked this piece, but I was wondering if your last question “So will a true choice-based game ever exist?” is kind of pointless. You had some good points, but what about the idea that true choice doesn’t exist in real life. For instance I could kill someone, and unless I am very good at evading the law, I will be placed into jail where my choices will be limited. I would not have the ability to simply change my clothing and go out into the day, nor have a normal life. Of course, games aren’t real life. They offer a virtual reality specifically to create an alternative to real life, but if a game where infinite choices were available to a player I wonder if that game would be slightly boring. After all, Skyrim for example does have limited choices but not so limited as others, as we see that people can mod them, or glitch them out, but even in these cases I wonder if the infinite ability for a person to control everything isn’t necessarily what gamers want, though I think a myth exists that they do.
    –just food for thought.

    Bioshock and the Illusion of Choice in Gaming

    I think the hardest part of an adaptation is what you are adapting. I kinda think of film adaptations as a sort of literary analysis. If you’re doing a film adaptation I think for it to appeal to the fan base, you have to know what people are taking away from it. If it is say, like the Harry Potter series it would be a bad idea to make it all about romance when most people are reading it as the fight against good v. evil, or adventures ect.
    Of course we do sometimes see “successful” adaptations that are loosely based off books and they do fairly well, but I think they work more because they are not alienating a fanbase perse, but leaning on what already is too make their own work a bit easier.

    I liked your overall article, but I thought maybe it could do with having been broken up into chunks that were slightly more expanded.Just a thought, maybe it just says that I wanted to read a little more of what you had to say.

    How 'By the Book' Should Literary Adaptations Be?

    You’ve got some great picks here, but all of them seem to fall into the same generation/studio and I’m kinda wondering if there might be anything newer out. Not that this stuff isn’t timeless, or still great, but because I often find that videos are pretty reflective or the neurosis or happenstances of a particular generation, but I liked the list!

    Anime Film for a Mature Audience: Features, Shorts and Directors