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The "love conquers all" scenario

Films, or any other work, really, that pull the "love conquers all" card. I hear disdain from people about this trope, while I personally don't think it's that egregious. Interstellar is one that caught a lot of flak for this, at least in the forums I frequent. Are there films that do it "right"? Which films are the worst perpetrators?

  • It's totally hokey, but I find the trope warming. I loved the book and film adaptation of Warm Bodies for this sort of tongue-in-cheek portrayal of "love conquers all"-even death! – FrankiHanke 9 years ago
  • I agree; while it can be a bit cheesy in some films, there are certainly quite a few movies that pull it off quite well. My personal favorite would be The Princess Bride; it even includes the line "death cannot stop true love" in the film itself. – TheAverageAssassin 9 years ago
  • I think there is a lot of philosophical backing for this trope especially from the Western Christian tradition. It really depends on how well it is done and if they can make it believable. – DClarke 9 years ago

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Link plays a more active role? Well of course he does! He’s the hero of time. He’s the one who was chosen to save Hyrule.

Regardless of whether or not you think the oracles are incarnations of the goddesses, the fact of the matter is that they are said to be oracles in the game. Speculation is not fact.

Aside from Link, there’s not a plethora of strong male characters either. You have a few side characters and whatnot, but they don’t really play a large role in the story like many of the women characters. If anything, there are about an equal amount of impactful male and female characters. I think the main issue that people have is that Link has not been a girl, which is stupid. Why have him be a woman, just for the sake of being a woman? I’d have no problem if he was, but I have no problem that he isn’t, either.

Your point about how Tetra gets locked away after she becomes Zelda is more telling of the story rather than some sort of misrepresentation of women. Each of the main three (Link, Zelda, Ganon) are in some way destined to fill a role. Courage, Wisdom, and Power.

Those are different games, different genres, different gameplay. Zelda is probably the only game where Nintendo has some semblance of a story and an established dynamic. Mario has an established dynamic as well, but they shake it up often. Bowser is not always the villain. Sometimes he’s an anti-hero, and even helps. I doubt Ganon would ever team up with Link and Zelda, although that would be interesting.

I agree having more representation is always a good thing. However, it’s up to the game developers. After all, they are the ones making the game. And I just don’t see an issue with how Zelda games are.

The Legend of Zelda: Female Representation

Because kids love it. Plain and simple. It’s got good animation and catchy songs. All of that = $

Why is Disney Overemphasizing Frozen?

Death should not be a selling point. If it happens naturally, it can be great. But killing off main characters for the sake of killing them off is getting old. Saying that, if you kill someone, stick to it. And if you have to bring them back, then again, if it happens naturally, it can be great. I like a lot of what you said, and this doesn’t just apply to film. Watching the TV series Arrow, it feels like they just keep bringing back every character they’ve ever killed off. It makes actual deaths lose their impact, because you expect them to simply come back. I really liked how The Iron Giant did it. Hinted at early on in the movie as to how he could survive, and leaving it ambiguous but hopeful in the end. Who knows if he’d ever get reassembled? But the fact is that there is a possibility. I’ll admit that I’m one of those people who (almost) always wants the main characters to live. But I can always accept it if they die.

Sherlock Holmes: To "Kill Off", or Not to "Kill Off"

How would any death close to a hero not grieve them? People, not just women, who are close to the hero get killed. Most conflict comes from death, regardless of gender. Granted, while a lot of women seem to die to grieve heroes, that’s because a lot of superheroes are straight men, and villains will always go for loved ones (girlfriends, wives, mothers). I think the only solid footing you have is in the case of Big Barda. That one I agree with, as she is supposedly an amazing warrior that gets shot and dies. Regardless, calling it manipulative is just… what? It’s storytelling. Sometimes people die. Sometimes they don’t. Anyway, interesting point of view, even if I largely disagree.

Women in Refrigerators: Killing Females in Comics