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    America V Japan: The definition difference when it comes to Otaku

    This may have been done before but the development of the word otaku in America is something very different than that in Japan. In Japan the word "otaku" has a very negative connotation given some of the history behind it (Otaku Killer) and may also be associated with Hikiikomori (In essence a social shut in). The American definition of otaku however is near celebrated in some ways. Maybe there are certain Animes that helped or hurt this development? Are there shows that create a different light for someone considered an Otaku?

    • This reminds me of swearing in other languages - a swearword in, say, Korean (for me, as I don't speak Korean) won't have as much of an effect as it would perhaps for a Korean person to hear, as I don't have knowledge of the power behind the world or experiences of its power. Language is very cultural and ideological, words have meanings because we imbue them with meanings, so no word in use is neutral. This is how, I think, the same word can have very different connotations within different cultures. I wonder if there are reverse examples where Japanese people use English words that those in English-speaking majority countries may find more offensive! – Camille Brouard 10 years ago
    • This could lead into some discussion on cultural differences that affect language, especially japanese and english as is relevant to anime watchers, especially subbed. – nsiegel 9 years ago

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    Kind of Interesting how, in reality, Hatsune Miku has become popular as simply an embodiment of people’s creative outlets but yet herself is just a figure. Perhaps Hatsune Miku is more of a social media outlet than anything, considering that things like Instagram twitter etc. let people do another variation of original media generation but all on the same platform.

    Hatsune Miku: How a Virtual Idol Inspired Creativity

    Trauma is definitely associated with PTSD but I don’t know if they’re 100% synonymous. Trauma can mean a variety of things but I digress. I think the manga can also show post recoveries of PTSD as well right? I haven’t read the later 2 manga but in Naruto, Sasuke eventually comes to terms with everything and there is an ability to heal. PTSD is highlighted well in these manga, (At least these excerpts) and can also show forms of dealing with it.

    Trauma and its Representation in Manga

    Pretty good explanation about the small finer points to what draws people in! familiarity definitely keeps people coming back and the mixture of people all wanting the same goal is strongly opposite of a game like WoW (Where people have many different paths to obtain personal achievement)
    Looking into some of the other games, do you think other MOBAs just don’t do it as well as LoL? There are now many different MOBA types but for some reason they don’t do as well as LoL, it could be timing of when LoL released but it may be a variety of factors. Any thoughts?

    League of Legends' Appeal: The Growing Community