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    Sandbox Games vs Linear Story Telling Games

    As there are many genres of video games, it's usually difficult to compare two different kinds. You can't compare a FPS shooter with the Legend of Zelda series for example. However, these two genres are polar opposites of each other and are often brought up in forums when discussing their own genre. Identify what each genre is, the pros and cons of each one, the limitations of each, and what kind of audience each would appeal to.

    • You also have MMOs (massively multiplayer online). These games usually consist of a story plot but also leave the map open to explore. With the online multiplayer option these games give the player the ability to team up with people in their server and work together. Depending on the game what type of character you have in the game can also affect what missions are given. There are several different types of video games that people play today. – amandajarrell 9 years ago

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    Interesting read, I find it perplexing how the majority of westerners associate anime as a whole with the concept of lewdness. Not only do they shame the genre as a whole for what makes up only a portion of the actual medium, but they usually don’t bring into question the mass amount of sexuality presented in western television and movies which I think is an unfair double standard.

    Titillating Anime

    As a League player, I have to say watching high level competition for the game play aspect is quite the dry experience. I find much more fun in the storytelling aspect of it all, as teams and players have their own background and personalities that make each unique.

    League of Legends' Appeal: The Growing Community

    As someone that’s loved fighting games for quite a while, it saddens me how many people are turned off by the execution barrier that exists for each one.

    Fighting Games: The Depth Behind Their Fundamentals and Community