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    The idea of inception in movies can secretly trick the human mind.

    Think deeply about how movies such as Inception, Interstellar, or Memento get people to think over and over again about the outcome of the movie, and if they have the same exact thoughts as the movie director had. Movies like this use the depth of the mind to extract a thought-process that evokes a sense of confusion and disbelief. Do movie director's do this on purpose, or is just the viewer thinking too deeply about the outcome or plot?

    • I believe movie director's do this on purpose because that is the point of movies, to take you to a reality you have never been. To make you think like you have never thought before. That is why we go to the movies. – haleycorkery 9 years ago
    • I agree with the previous comment. I feel it adds a sense of uniqueness to the movie, making it into an evolving event that adapts and changes to each viewer. To go to the same movie with someone and both of you leave with totally different interpretations is incredible to achieve, and almost presents the movie like a gift for you to covet or hate based on your perspective. It also lays ground for great debate with people who saw an ending differently. – KyelandJ 9 years ago
    • I agree that it is the director's intent. I think people like Christopher Nolan purposefully leave things ambiguous to create a conversation about the film. On the other hand, though, look at David Lynch. He uses film as another medium for artistic expression. Something like Mulholland Dr. cannot be explained, yet people desperately try to make sense of it, but if you were to ask Lynch, he would probably say that it's like an abstract painting which is open to various interpretations, all of which are equally correct. – Jon Rios 9 years ago
    • It is definitely the director's intent to confuse viewers and cause disbelief. This leads to people rewatching the movie, discussing it with others and most importantly, thinking about something they never have before. Film makers that create such mind benders aim for something more than just an ordinary popcorn flick. They aim to make something truly memorable, a work of art. Something that affects you, that speaks to your very soul (or just your mind). – JosephSmith49 9 years ago
    • It would most certainly be the director, as the general plot twists that you are thinking of (such as that used in Gone Girl) are the type that keep the audience captive to the movie, and add to the style, and plot of the same. – JDJankowski 9 years ago

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    This show has absolutely changed the way I look at love and life. I was in-fact one of those people who were upset that Barney and Robin didn’t end up together; however, I did enjoy that the ending to the show was very surprising and kept me on my toes. I did not get closure in the show, but it kept me searching for something more in my life and wanting me to make the most out of everything; which was, in my opinion, the essence of the show.

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