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    "Bad Moms" and the Modern Role of Mothers

    The new movie "Bad Moms" starring Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell focuses on the many pressures of mothers in today's society and how hard it is to be a so called "good mom". The characters struggle to keep up with work, keeping a house, the PTA and raising their kids. Analyze the characters in the film and how or if the movie accurately represents the role of mother's in today's society. Discuss the many pressures on mothers today and how a mother's role is very different than it had been in previous decades.

    • Very good topic! In today's society there is an increase in divorce rates as well as single mothers who have to provide food, emotional, mental support for the family, and provide financial support as well. There is a strain on the mother especially if she is alone and does not have any additional support. I would not call it bad mothering but how has the expectations of a mother today differ than in the 1900's-1980's. – hwm5211 8 years ago
    • This is definitely a relevant topic in today's age, especially given the many double standards mothers and women, in general, face. – padmatat 8 years ago

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    Lilo and Stitch is my favorite Disney movie and this article confirms why. The movie breaks the mold of the typical Disney movies. It focuses on multiple relationships and none of the relationships are romantic ones. The first relationship is between Lilo and her sister Nani. Their relationships show how powerful the bond is between siblings. Even though they don’t always get along they love each other and will be always be there for each other. The second relationship is between Lilo and Stitch. Their relationship shows that it is ok to be a little different and not always fit in. This movie really shows that even when things are not going well there are people that love you and will care for you.

    Lilo and Stitch: The Seven Standards of Disney

    Don McCullin’s photography is extremely powerful. HIs photographs have the ability to make you rethink the world we live in. I believe that photographs can be more powerful than video or any other form of media in capturing emotion. McCullin’s photographs catch your attention and pull emotions out of you. When you feel emotion when looking at a picture you know that the photographer has done his job and in this case McCullin has achieved this.

    Don McCullin: Horrific Humanity Through Photography

    This is such a touching tribute to such an amazing man. In 9th grade my class read his book “Night””. It is one of the most emotional and moving books that I have ever read. Elie Wiesel went through so much in his life, but he still was a positive person that believed in the goodness of humanity. He was truly an inspiration and he will be greatly missed.

    A Sage's Passing: Elie Wiesel (1928-2016)