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    Why are New IPs so rare nowadays?

    While video games are more popular in the world than they have ever been, almost ever single blockbuster game that is out now is a sequel or a remake of an already existing franchise. Skyrim is the 5th game (not counting spin-offs) in the Elder Scrolls Series, GTA V is the 5th game in its series. XCOM is a remake of the popular franchise from the 90s, Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed almost always see a new release every year. Outside of a handful of successes, like Dragon Age, Dishonored, or the Souls series (all of which have sequels already), new IPs are as rare as being happy it's a Monday. Analyze why this trend has come to be; is it economic, or is there more to it than just that?

    • Are we talking new IP's in regards to just AAA games, or new IP's in general? Because one of the biggest trends around is "Five Nights at Freddy's." And apparently that's not only getting a movie, but it was created just last year by a one-man indie developer, and it has four games to its name due to it's utter simplicity to design and code. There are also plenty of other Indie game IP's that are quite popular as well. Besides that, are you saying IP's as in, a title, a franchise, something apart from other IP's? Or are you saying IP's as in, something that is popular enough and is intended to breed sequels? Because by that second definition, all of the IP's you mention are getting more sequels, thus there's less room on the schedule for game developing companies to put effort into developing new IP's. So it's almost a Catch-22. You can't have a new IP if it can't guarantee longevity with sequels. And you can't stop making sequels to existing IP's because you have to ensure their longevity in order to keep the money flowing. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
    • I like to think it is because it is easier to make money out of something that's previously establised so you don't have to waste time or money creating an IP when you're not confident that'll take off. Brand goes hand in hand with IPs, that's why Disney is raking in the dough – McNook 9 years ago
    • Money, obviously, but I'd like to see just how much money. It would be interesting to do some analysis of the sales figures of sequels/spinoffs vs. new stuff. Maybe work that into a piece? Or even sequels vs. spinoffs. I'd look at the final fantasy franchise for that one. – lmunson 9 years ago

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    I’ve always found motivation and inspiration to be devils in disguise. I’m trying to follow the path of discipline, since motivation and inspiration are only ever temporary, much like writer’s block is. When I’m facing, I sit down, and I force myself to start writing until the block is gone; I don’t care what I’m writing about, I just keep on writing and writing until I overcome it. I see discipline as the only true weapon against the torture that is writer’s block, and the only way to keep it at bay, and the more people practice, the more it is reduced. Now, there are still those times where nothing seems to get rid of the writer’s block except time, but it happens to all of us, and we’ll all make it through it, whether it’s with the help of this article’s tips, or something else altogether.

    Attention Writers: The Myth of Writer's Block

    I remember stumbling upon Fallout 3 in an old Hollywood Video store back in 2008 or 2009 and decided to get it based off nothing but the game’s cover art, and I became enthralled with this game in a way I had never before. The immersion to me was second-to-none, and I never felt like I was taken away from the experience by the radio or by the Pip-boy I always felt like I was the Lone Wanderer, and I’m glad to see Fallout 4 attempting to expand on the immersion factor for players. As I’ve grown older, I have started to notice the flaws in Fallout 3’s design, but only after years of playing it. As a bit of an introvert, I found the isolation and loneliness the game invoked upon its players was fascinating, as I could truly be alone in a way I can’t be in the real world. While I do feel your article leaned a little bit on explaining the loneliness in an almost technical way, it was still a fun read. I would’ve delved more into the multiple play options the player has and how the quests and world design really show off the themes the designers had in mind with Fallout 3. I’d also like to see more articles written on the well-designed Fallout verse.

    Loneliness in Fallout

    The Souls series is full of mysteries and odds and ends. Ornstein and Smough are one of those that I wished wasn’t surrounded in such a mysterious aura. I do lean on the theory that Ornstein from DS is an illusion created by Gwyndolin and that DS2’s Old Dragonslayer is the real Ornstein, somehow surviving the fall of the Age of Fire and is attempting to protect those who need protecting in the Age of Dark. Or that could be completely wrong because the Souls series is known for all of its twists and turns, may be DS3 will uncover more light on this, however unlikely that is.

    Dark Souls Lore Explored: Who is the Old Dragonslayer?