Raegan Smith

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    Inception: Anticlimactic or Satisfyingly Open-ended?

    Inception is a highly popular film with an incredibly divisive ending. The whole movie takes the audience on a journey through exciting and complex dreamscapes, as Dom Cobb tries to pull off a reverse, mind-heist. Instead of stealing secrets from unconscious victims, he must plant an idea into someone's head. Even though the film was wildly successful, the ending was very anticlimactic. At the end of the movie, the top spins. If it stays spinning, the characters are still in a dream. If it stops, the characters are living in reality. The characters watch the top spin one last time, to find out their fate. While the top is spinning in the most suspenseful part of the film, the film ends. The audience is left not knowing if the top was going to keep spinning, or come to a full stop. Was this a satisfying end, or a complete cop-out?

    • Really interesting open question about open-endedness. Could definitely reference the similar (although in my opinion, much less successful) end to Tenet too. – Marcus Dean 4 years ago
    • I loved the movie Inception and really like this topic. I think that exploring the other works of Christopher Nolan e.g. Interstellar, Tenet, Dunkirk etc. would aid in exploring Inception's goals as a movie through the lense of Nolan's directing approach and treatment of time, space and reality. – rbryan14 4 years ago

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    Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation

    No one should ever underestimate the power of a fanbase. Event though they haven’t succeeded yet, I keep thinking about the Daredevil fans. I loved Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and The Punisher. I understood why they were cancelled and the politics of rights ownership, but the fans fought an epic battle. Vincent D’Onofrio (Kingpin) pushed a petition to bring the show back. The petition was signed by over 400,000 fans. The fans even payed to put up advertisements on billboards in Times Square with the #SaveDaredevil. I believe that now that Disney has the rights back, Daredevil and some of the other Defenders’ shows will return. Disney heard the fans’ cries. There are rumors of Charlie Cox (Daredevil) returning in the new Spider-Man film. If that happens, there is no way that the fans will let him slip through their fingers again.

    Fan-Power: Saving Shows From Cancellation

    The pandemic has given streaming services a new spotlight. People were stuck at home with nothing to do but watch television. Cable couldn’t shine in this spotlight, because the film industry fell apart. There were no new shows coming out each week. Streaming services turned people to their past-released original content, nostalgic shows and movies, and the option to see new movies that were supposed to be released into theaters. I’m sure a lot of people have cancelled their subscriptions after going back to work, but the flip side includes those who decided to cut cable and enjoy streaming services in the future. There are too many streaming services now, but the main services (Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime) are not going anywhere, anytime soon.

    The Age of Streaming Services: Then, Now, and Beyond

    The Clones were often seen as just numbered soldiers. I was fascinated by how this series gave these characters a true spotlight, showing that each man is unique in his own way. Captain Rex was a trailblazer for the the rest of the Clones. He was respected in his work Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan. Ahsoka treated him like family and refused to kill him in Order 66. Instead, they saved each other. To see the helmets come off of the Clones, is to see the truth. These men are different people with different opinions. They are not just a group of soldiers, they are human. The ending of The Clone Wars was so powerful. Dave Filoni gave the Clones incredible depth. Now, we are lucky enough to see more of the Clones in the upcoming series, Star Wars: The Bad Batch.

    The Heartbreaking Symbolism of The Clone Helmet In Star Wars: The Clone Wars's Final Episodes