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    The Failed Steampunk Era of Disney

    Treasure Planet and Atlantis are both two early 2000s Disney movies that both had a steampunk/sci-fi vibe going for them. However, besides their few loyal followers, they are largely unpopular compared with the more mainstream movies such as The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, and Frozen. Why did Disney's era of "steampunk" animations seem to fail with their audience?

    • I'd highly recommend the video essay "Disney's Biggest Mistake" as it goes in-depth as to why Disney's own marketing, mismanagement, and meddling went to to destroy Treasure Planet's own chances at success. It's such a shame too, as I think both these movies are pretty good. Treasure Planet is genuinely so well-written and well-animated that it's really saddening to see it fail commercially. – Dimitri 6 years ago
    • They did suffer from poor marketing and behind the scenes politics, true, but I think, while enjoyable, they also suffer from significant issues in content. I'd also look at Atlantis's "scandalous" PG rating, and how it effected box-office performance (similar to The Black Cauldron in the 80's). In general, the early 2000's was a rough time for Disney--maybe look at how the politics led to their problems, and whether the steampunk genre was something worth pursuing for Disney, and executives blamed the genre for their failure rather than the execution. – Allie Dawson 6 years ago

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    Haha I definitely agree about Ariel not being so great a model, but I even more so agree about Tiana! She is a hard-working woman who supports the people she loves in tangible ways. Another one I would add to the good role models list is Mulan! I remember when I first saw Mulan and how freaking awesome I thought she was! She tries to respect her family’s wishes, but she also will be the one to take charge and step up to the plate to protect her loved ones.

    Best and Worst Disney Role Models for Girls and Young Women

    Part of the reason why I like comics (and other things traditionally associated with kids/young adults like video games and cartoons) is because I grew up with them. I think there has been such a huge demographic shift in people who now like comics and video games due to the increased amount of people who grew up with them as kids/teens and continue to enjoy these genres as adults.

    I was reading some of the other comments here– it is interesting how people are simultaneously perceived as childish and also snobby (about their expertise). It creates a sort of weird contradiction. I agree with the author that there also seems to be a split in any kind of following. Generally speaking, the chill people and the people always trying to one-up you.

    It’s easy to say that you should just like what you like, but, even if you have a lot of self-confidence, it is hard to publicly display your interests if so many people think of it as stupid or immature. Bottom line for me is I’ve been through too much crap in life to not enjoy what I enjoy. Of course, I don’t have time to sit on WoW or read Teen Titans for hours upon end anymore haha, but I am still an avid comic book reader and will continue to be. Hopefully, I’ll pass on the love to my kids!

    The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading

    First of all, the Pain Arc was I think one of the best in the whole Naruto series. It was definitely a freaking emotional rollercoaster though haha! It’s been a while since I’ve watched the early Naruto Shippuden episodes, but I still remember the scene where Hinata professes her love. When she ran to protect Naruto, I just thought that was so freaking awesome. Is there anything cooler than a character rushing to defend someone they love?

    Love in Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto